Security tips from the Village of Munsey Park.


  • Reset automatic light timers this weekend! A dark house is an unoccupied house. A house with no light on at dinner time tells burglars that you are not at home.
  • Keep shrubbery trimmed. Thick, tall shrubbery provides cover for a burglar to work undetected.
  • Never leave a house key in such obvious places as a mailbox or under a doormat.
  • Make sure the exterior of your house is well-lit. Exterior lights are important -- especially near doors or in the rear of the house, where burglars do most of their work.
  • Close and lock your windows. Most burglars won't attempt to break a secured window for fear of attracting attention.
  • Keep your garage door closed and locked. This helps prevent access to the house and protects property stored in the garage.
  • Secure any sliding doors. Make sure the lock is in working order. A steel rod in the door channel is helpful. For additional security, install two or three screws in the overhead track to reduce the chance of the door being lifted out of the track.


  • If you have an alarm system, put up signs that say you do. Do not use signs that hint at what type of equipment you system uses. Have your alarm serviced by a reputable technician.


  • Never open the door before you identify who is on the other side. Utility workers and Government employees will always be glad to present identification; in fact most of them will already be displaying it. Call 911 if you are unsure. Legitimate workers will wait for Police to arrive
  • Have a wide-angle door viewer (peephole) installed, so that you know who it is at the door before you open.
  • Be wary of "wrong" numbers and teach children what to say to strangers on the phone.
  • Be careful with your keys. Put your house and car keys on separate key rings, and don't put identification tags on keys.


  • Do not leave all your valuables in your bedroom. Burglars always check bedrooms first
  • Make an itemized list of everything you own. Include brand name, model number, serial number, where and when purchased, and the items' purchase price or estimated value. Attach receipts if you have them. Take photographs or videotape everything, and keep them in a safe place.


  • Ask a trusted neighbor to pick up all mail, newspapers and deliveries daily. Do not allow these items to accumulate. Ask this same neighbor to park in your driveway while you are gone.
  • Don’t let empty garbage pails to sit curbside after trash collection days.
  • Don't publicize your vacation ahead of time. Many burglars read local papers for accounts of vacationers.
  • Offer to help a neighbor with any of the above. Be a good neighbor. Watch out for each other.


  • Notify the Police of any unusual or suspicious circumstances.  USE 911. Residents and Police are partners in solving these crimes; we welcome the information provided by the communities we serve.
  • Write down plate numbers and descriptions of vehicles.  Make note of distinguishing features of vehicle (body damage, mismatched paint, lettering, vanity plates, out of state plates, roof racks, tinted windows, items hanging from rear view mirror, stickers on car, etc…)
  • Remember clothing descriptions of individuals
AuthorVillage Administrator

Incorporated Village of Munsey Park
Board of Trustees update                                                                             January 13, 2014

The Board of Trustees would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. We hope all of our residents enjoyed the Holidays. We also wanted to update the residents on what has been going on in and around the Village and some plans we are looking forward to in 2014.

AROUND THE VILLAGE: We are happy to report the radio tower erected by the MLWD has been removed. We are pleased the leadership at the MLWD responded to residents’ concerns in a timely manner. We also want to thank the residents directly affected for their patience and understanding while we worked to negotiate a suitable resolution.

TECHNOLOGY:  The Board is happy to announce that the Village has a new website. The new website will enable residents to obtain and submit Village forms electronically. It also contains information on every aspect of the Village. We encourage all residents to visit the site at Updating and simplifying the site was no easy task and we want to thank Munsey Park resident, Jeff Franchetti for donating so much of his time. Jeff has also been working in Village Hall to update our technology needs in what has been another great example of a Munsey Park resident donating their expertise to improve the Village.

IMPROVEMENTS: We are also happy to announce the Village, in partnership with the Munsey Park Woman’s Club and the SCA, installed a new sidewalk outside the main entrance to Munsey Park Elementary School. The sidewalk will provide a safe walkway for children who arrive and exit to the west of the school. In addition, the Munsey Park Women’s Club has volunteered to spearhead the project to revitalize Copley Pond. The MPWC, led by Jennifer Johnston, Susan Sabiston, and Erin Cunningham, presented the Board with a plan to restore dangerous walkways and seating, add some viewing areas, and plantings around the pond. The Village is excited to work with the Munsey Park Woman’s Club to finalize the plans and begin this restoration project. The project will be funded by grants from the State, the County, and from the MPWC’s “Buy a Brick” fund raising campaign that will kick off at the end of January. Any residents interested in participating in the campaign can reach out to Erin Cunningham at

VILLAGE COURT: After conferring with Village Judge John Turano, Village Prosecutor Laura Dillmetin, and former Village Acting Judge Francis Coughlin, the Board decided to revise the Court calendar. Previously, any resident required to appear in Village Court had to take two days off from work. One day for arraignment and another to conference with the prosecutor and the Judge. To increase the efficiency of the Court and decrease the burden on residents, arraignments and conferences will be held on the same night. We hope the new schedule will allow those affected to conduct business with the Village Court in one session reducing the impact court proceedings have on residents.

SAFETY: In response to what seems to be an increase in crime in our Village, the Commanding Officer of the Third Precinct will be attending the meeting of the Board of Trustees on February 12th to answer the questions and concerns of our residents. We encourage all residents to attend this meeting to exchange information and ideas regarding the prevention of crime in our Village.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:

Mayor, Frank DeMento (
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty (
Trustee, Sue Auriemma (
Trustee, Patrick Hance (
Trustee, Jennifer Noone (

AuthorVillage Administrator

Recent Crime Activity in Munsey Park Area

Dear Residents,

We are writing to inform you of more recent crime activity in the Munsey Park area.

  • On Thursday, December 12 in Munsey Park, a wallet was stolen from a car parked in a driveway.
  • On Sunday December 15 in Munsey Park, a home was burglarized while the homeowners slept upstairs. Entry was made through an unlocked back door. Loss included credit cards and cash.
  • On Sunday, December 15 at 9:45pm an SUV was hit by another vehicle on Stonytown Road in Flower Hill. When the driver of the car got out to check for damage, two of the four occupants who were armed with handguns approached the driver. He was then robbed of his wallet, money and key and pushed to the ground. The robbers then fled the scene with the SUV. Police later located the abandoned vehicle in Queens.

Residents are asked to please remain vigilant and take all necessary precautions to secure homes.

LOCK all doors and windows at all times.

LOCK all vehicles parked in driveways and remove all valuables.

LIGHT the exterior of your home.

ALARM your home if you have a burglar alarm system.

ALERT the police via 911 of any suspicious activity or individuals.

Holiday times often show a spike in home burglaries. These home security practices should be part of homeowners’ routines throughout the year but heightened awareness is very important during this time of year.

The Board of Trustees remains in contact with leadership at the Third Precinct to encourage heightened enforcement and ongoing communication.

Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors. Also, a Manhasset Neighborhood Watch group has been started on Facebook. Following is the link if you would like to join and receive updates as to crime activity in our town.


The Board of Trustees
Village of Munsey Park

AuthorVillage Administrator

Recap of Emergency Meeting in regard to the MLWD Radio Tower

Dear Residents,

We would like to thank all the residents from Munsey Park and Flower Hill that came to our informational meeting last night at Village Hall. We would also like to thank Councilwoman Dina DeGiorgio, and the Mayor of Flower Hill Elaine Phillips for joining us to listen to residents’ concerns. We understand many residents had conflicts, and therefore we felt it would be best to recap where we stand in the process and disseminate some contact information which was requested.

As we mentioned the MLWD had an initial meeting with their engineers and supervisor Tuesday night and are asking them to investigate what options are available, if any. We encourage residents to attend the MLWD meetings which are held weekly at 5:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 170 E Shore Road in Great Neck. You can also find phone numbers and additional information on their website at:

The website lists the email for the elected Board of Commissioners as:

The commissioners are:

Donald O’Brien:    
Andrew DeMartin:
Brian Morris:          

The water district’s supervisor is Paul Schrader:

Also, if you would like to reach out to your councilwoman or state senator, they are:

Dina De Giorgio:    
Jack Martins:          

AuthorVillage Administrator


Update from the Board of Trustees, October 16, 2013
Re: Radio Tower Construction by Manhasset Lakeville Water District.

UPDATE (10/18/13):  The Board of Trustees has called an emergency Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30 pm to discus the radio tower recently erected in the Village by the MLWD.   


Fellow Residents:

The Board of Trustees wanted to update everyone in regards to the construction of the radio tower on the Manhasset Lakeville Water District’s (MLWD) property off of Dogwood Lane in Munsey Park. The trustees, like many of our residents, were horrified by the completely obtrusive structure that has been erected. Beginning on Monday evening we have been in constant contact with the most affected residents on Eakins Road along with Chairman O’Brien of the MLWD, and of course our Village counsel. We have since met with Chairman O’Brien at the site, and attended the water authority’s meeting last night with our Village Counsel, Flower Hill Counsel, and both Munsey Park and Flower Hill Residents. The following is what we have learned from the meeting and what our plan is moving forward.

After much debate, and the residents having had an opportunity to express their concerns in regards to the tower, we have agreed with the MLWD on the following steps:

  1. The Board of the MLWD has agreed that no additional work will be done at the site until such time as they have reviewed all possible options and had the opportunity to meet again with our residents concerning this topic. A meeting date will be announced by the MLWD and we will let you know.
  2. Our counsel will work with the VFH counsel and counsel that has been retained by one of our residents to collect all the relevant plans and safety reports the MLWD has regarding the project and the construction of this tower. These materials will be made available to Village residents
  3. Once we are comfortable that we have obtained all the relevant information, we will consult our counsel along with our engineering consultant and arrange an additional meeting with the MLWD with all concerned and affected residents.
  4. We will continue to explore all viable options to ensure we protect all the residents’ rights while working with the MLWD to a come up with a practical solution that best addresses the needs of all parties.
  5. We will call an emergency informational meeting next week at Village Hall so that we may fully disseminate all relevant information to the residents and answer any additional questions.

Village of Munsey Park Board of Trustees


AuthorVillage Administrator


Update from the Munsey Park Board of Trustees
October 10, 2013

Hello again from Village Hall and the Board of Trustees.  We hope everyone has been enjoying the beginning of the fall, for those with kids getting them into a routine with school and their activities, while hopefully enjoying the wonderful colors the change in foliage brings to the Village. We again would like to recap some of the work we’ve be doing around the Village, what we have planned, and opportunities for residents to get involved.

AROUND THE VILLAGE: The month of September was a busy month around Village Hall.  Wilson “Willy” Mead, one of our most beloved and dedicated members of the utility crew, retired. Willy was honored at our September board meeting with well-deserved citations not only from the Village but also from Nassau County, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Ed Mangano, Nassau County legislature Judi Bosworth, and New York Senator Jack Martins.  Willie has relocated down to Georgia with his family and we’re all looking forward to receiving the first batch of peaches he has promised to deliver next spring.  In his last few weeks, Willie was hard at work training his replacement, Bernie Dunn. Like Willie, Bernie is also a very proud Veteran of the Marine Corps and is still an active reservist in the Army. We want to wish Willie all the happiness in the world with retirement, and also want to welcome Bernie and wish him the best of luck in his new position in the Village.

REMEBERENCE: During the September meeting we also took the time to remember those Village residents that lost their lives on September 11th with a moment of silence. They include Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey  Jr. , John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly, and Frank Salvaterra.

VILLAGE TRUSTEE AND BAC POSITIONS: We are happy to announce we have filled the vacant trustee position after trustee Seidner relocated outside of the Village.  Jennifer Noone, has accepted to fill that position and will finish out that term until reelection in March. Jennifer has lived in Munsey Park for the past 6 years with her husband Brian, and children Brian, Aubrey, Natalie, and Tristan. Trustee Noone will move off the Building Advisory Committee and we are extremely happy to announce that Mimi Donahue has accepted to fill the vacated position on that committee going forward. The Board could not be happier with the addition of Jennifer and Mimi and are looking forward to working with and supporting their ideas in how to make the Village a better place for all residents. 

ROADS: Trustee Noone, wasting no time, has agreed to oversee the upkeep and maintenance of the roads. Prior to the kids getting back to school we had our crew out on the roads painting crosswalks and stop sign markers throughout the village. At any time if residents notice that crosswalks or any other road markings need some updating, please contact Village Hall.  Over the last few months we’ve been working with our village engineers to identify some of the worst damaged or decaying curbs and sections of streets that we can use the available CHIPS money to repair. With the areas identified we are hoping to get in as much of the work as possible prior to the winter.

TREE LAW AND ANNUAL PRUNING:  During our September meeting the board passed amendments to the current Tree Law we spoke of in our last newsletter. We are hoping the changes will make it easier for our residents to understand and execute the necessary steps required to remove and plant trees in the village.

After entertaining bids from several different tree removal companies, the Board accepted the bid for annual tree pruning around the village. This work is quite extensive including the pruning at over 75 different locations and is currently ongoing.

Please remember to check with Village Hall prior to starting any tree work. We have had many residents come before the board as of late due to not researching what our current laws allow. Please understand the Board in general is in place to help residents but should not be asked to circumvent the Villages codes or processes.

PARKS: This Friday the Munsey Park Woman’s Club will be hosting a fall festival at Copley Pond, we are happy they chose to host the event at the park and are looking forward to having more events held there for the residents in the future. The Village and the MPWC have also partnered to create a long term vitalization plan for the manmade pond at Copley. One of the first steps to stop the continued erosion of the pond walls was to remove the trees, vegetation, and root systems surrounding the pond. Once we have pulled those areas back we will determine the best method to reestablish and fortify the walls, replant trees and bushes, and then set our sights on replacing the deteriorating walkway. We are looking forward to this revitalization project and will make sure to include all residents that want to get involved in the process.

UPDATE FROM SANDY DAMAGE: The board was updated with unfinished work on damaged utility poles and hanging or damaged wires. The Board has been actively working with the utility and phone companies to address these outstanding issues so we may return the village back to its pre-Sandy condition.

TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Jeff Franchetti, the Village volunteer technology consultant, presented the board with his preliminary findings after doing an audit of the Village current capacity and website. We are extremely grateful for Jeff’s dedication to help the Village and are looking forward to launching our new website very soon.

VILLAGE HISTORY AND WELCOME PACKET: There was a time in Munsey Park that all new residents would receive a welcome packet form the Village explaining all the services and activities available to new residents. The Board has taken up the cause of re-establishing this packet with the intent of first finishing the published Village history which currently ends in 1980. Once that work is complete we will combine that work with the early history which longtime resident and former Board member George E. Miller had attempted to publish as a book. We are looking forward to the completion of that work and presenting the board a plan for a book we could fund that will be distributed to residents.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees


Mayor, Frank DeMento

Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty

Trustee, Sue Auriemma

Trustee, Patrick Hance

Trustee, Jennifer Noone

AuthorVillage Administrator

Location:  Village Hall


  • Minutes (September 11, 2013)  
  • Justice
  • Police
  • Building Inspector   Clerk


  • Counsel
  • Court Matters 
  • Maintenance 


  1. Mr. Murrell – 174 Ryder - Mayor & Board  
  2. Village e-mail distribution and PWOEM list - update - Susan Auriemma  
  3. Application 7312- 856 Park Ave - Mr. Corshen 



AuthorVillage Administrator

Location:  Village Hall

Board of Trustees

  • Minutes (July 10, 2013)
  • Justice
  • Police
  • Building Inspector

Oral Reports: 

  • Clerk
  • Counsel
  • Court Matters 
  • Maintenance

Informaton \ Decisions:

  1. Moment of Silence – Residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001  (Mayor & Board)
  2. Resignation Willie Mead  – Road Crew (Mayor & Board)
  3. Local Law #6 –2013 – “Trees” (Mayor & Board)
  4. Tree Pruning Bids (Mayor & Board)
  5. Technology Report (Jeff Franchetti)

Public Discussions: 

  • Executive Session
AuthorVillage Administrator

July 15, 2013

We hope all our residents are enjoying their summer. We’ve had a busy month since our last update and we wanted to highlight some of the things that are happening in and around the Village.

AROUND THE VILLAGE: The filming of “This is Where I Leave You” concluded in June and we wanted to thank all the residents for their patience with this production. During the filming we received calls from several residents with concerns and advice, and we hope we were able to respond to all of those in a timely and responsible manner. Trustee Auriemma presented a post-production summary of the impact and procedures during the filming giving insight to the Board on managing future productions in Munsey Park. As for the donations from Warner Brothers, once the board accounts for all its legal costs related to the film we will discuss where the balance of the funds can be used to beautify the Village.

VOLUNTEERS: Trustee Seidner has informed the Board that he and his family have purchased a home outside of Munsey Park and plan on moving on or around our next slated meeting in September. We want to thank Matt for his hard work and dedication to the Village over the years and wish him happiness with his new home. The Mayor is in the process of speaking to residents that have shown interest in the position. In accordance with the law he will appoint a resident to fulfill the balance of Trustee Seidner’s term. With that said, any residents who have interest in getting involved are encouraged to reach out to any of the Trustees and we will work to find a position that could benefit the Village and be rewarding to you.

Further, The Village is looking for a resident who would like to serve as the representative to Cablevision/PATV. Meetings will take place every 2-3 months on a Thursday evening. Please contact if you are interested in learning more.

Lastly, we have created a new position “Village Technology Consultant” for Jeff Franchetti. Jeff has volunteered to help the Village create a new and user-friendly web site. Thank you, Jeff.

HURRICANE SEASON: The Village is compiling a list to present to LIPA of locations where temporary fixes were made following Sandy that still need to be repaired properly. If you are aware of any locations that need to be addressed please email that information to Further, with Hurricane Season approaching, residents are asked to be sure they are signed up for important emergency alerts from North Shore Alert. As our village is part of the Port Washington-Manhasset Office of Emergency Management, we are subscribers to North Shore Alert system that allows residents to enter their email address, cell phone number and/or phone number to receive emergency messages. In addition, the Village will be ultimately converting its email list over to North Shore Alert for routine emails such as this so please be sure to add your email at


DOGS: It has been brought to the attention of the Village Board that residents should be reminded of the following section of the Village Code with regard to curbing of animals:

§ 76-2 [Amended 8-14-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996] No person who owns, possesses, harbors, keeps or is in charge or control of a dog, cat or other animal shall cause, suffer, allow or permit any such animal to soil, defile, defecate, or urinate on any public highway, street, thoroughfare, or walk used in common by the public, or any place where people congregate or on any private property, without the permission of the owner of said private property. The restriction in this section shall not apply to that portion of the street lying between the curblines, and, with respect to streets which have adjoining sidewalks, the property between the curbline of the street and the sidewalk, which areas shall be used to curb such animals, provided that the person who so curbs such animal shall immediately remove all feces deposited by such animal by placing the feces in a paper or plastic bag which shall be secured and deposited in a covered garbage receptacle.


ROADS: We continue to employ funds from state CHIPS program to make minor road repairs. We are currently getting bids to do some work on Whistler and will work off our engineer’s report and resident input to continue road work throughout the year. Fire hydrant replacement by the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District is getting underway. The Water District will contact affected residents prior to replacement with tips for any disruption to service.

VILLAGE HALL: We are preparing to convert our current oil heat and air conditioning system to natural gas system. As any of you who have visited Village Hall know, our air conditioning system has run its course and we hope to have the new system in place by the next Board Meeting in September.

LEGISLATION: The following are the amendments and new laws that have been passed at the past two meetings:

Law #3-2013 Mayoral Term Limits: The Board passed a new law limiting the terms a Mayor may run for office. The new, law which can be found in its entirety on our website, states a Mayor is limited to running for 3 consecutive 2 years terms (6 years in total), and then must sit out one election cycle as Mayor prior to running again for a maximum of 3 consecutive 2 year terms.

Law #4-2013 Generators: After a considerable amount of research into what generators are available to residents for purchase that comply with the previous 60 Dba limit, and what residents have been actually installing, the Board passed an amendment to the previous generator law increasing the decibel limit from 60Dba to 80Dba and including limitations to where placement of the generator can be in the rear yard setbacks.

Law #5-2013 Filming Fees: After being made aware that the Village attorney fees were not covered in the previous Filming Laws, the Board passed a law that any additional Legal fees connected to a movie production in the Village will be the sole responsibility of the production company.

Introduction of Law #6 Trees: The Board has introduced amendments to the current tree laws meant to simplify applying the law as it pertains to residents. It is composed of three basic sections based on whether the tree for which a permit is sought on: 1. Village Property; 2. Homeowner’s Property; 3. Neighbor’s Property. The proposed law is on the Village website for review and will be again open for public debate at our next Board meeting on Sept 11th.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees

Mayor Frank DeMento,
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty,
Trustee Sue Auriemma,
Trustee Patrick Hance,

AuthorVillage Administrator

Update from the Mayor
June 4, 2013


We first want to thank all the members of the Munsey Park community who took time out to vote in this year’s election. As many of you know we had a record turnout with over 700 votes cast. I would personally like to thank all of those who supported me as the new Mayor along with Trustee Haggerty, and Trustee Hance in the election. We hope as we get to work, we will be able to represent all the residents to bring change that will have positive effects throughout the Village.  With that said the Board couldn't be more appreciative of all those residents who have come forward to volunteer their time and energy to help since the election. Although we are still looking for roles for many of the new volunteers the new appointments that have been made include: Jen Noone and Joy Susi to the Building Advisory Committee, Joe Russo and Matt Karcic to the Board of Appeals, Kelly Towers,  Robert Farrer, and Trustee Hance on the Tree Committee, and Blaine Klusky to the newly created Ethics working committee. We would also like to thank all of those residents who previously served on the Village Boards including Mayor Nicolaides, Trustee Brennan, Trustee Jaroncyk, Debrah Miller on the Tree Committee, and Paul Yakaitis on the Board of Appeals for the time and energy they donated to the betterment of the Village.

In the six weeks since our first Board meeting we have been working on the following:

FINANCES: Because the election cycle and the Village’s fiscal year coinciding so closely, the Board decided to push the Budget debate and vote  out a few weeks to allow the newly elected and appointed Trustees sufficient time to review the  '13-'14 Budget.  After sufficient review and debate the Board passed the Budget with a 1.98% increase keeping the Village under the 2% tax cap. With the Budget in place we are working diligently to end the fiscal year with a surplus so we can offer the Village additional financial flexibility next year. To that end, after a significant amount of work by our Village Clerk, Barbara Miller, the Village has finalized the reimbursement process with FEMA.  We are happy to announce Barbara’s efforts have concluded with the Village receiving a reimbursement check in the amount of $207,074.64. This money, in addition to some State aid we expect to receive, will cover most of the costs the Village incurred during Super Storm Sandy.

AROUND THE VILLAGE: The Village has completed the grinding of all leftover stumps and is currently filling the holes with topsoil and seeding. Additionally, the Village continues to access money from the NYS CHIPS program (Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program) to make minor repairs to the worst of our streets and gutters. Please feel free to contact Village Hall if you have a street concern that would fall under the minor repair work CHIPS is earmarked for. We have contracted with the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District, at no cost to the Village, to replace 37 fire hydrants that have outlived their useful service life. Munsey Park is the only section of the district still using the old double nipple hydrants.  The new modern hydrants will allow firefighters faster more reliable access to water in the event of a fire. We are also in the process of identifying outdated and unused equipment in Village hall which we will sell with the proceeds going to help offset future equipment and maintenance costs. Finally, we are planning to update our website to a more user friendly platform, we ask for your patience with the current site while we make this transition.

Further, Warner Brothers has generously donated $33,000 to the Village for the opportunity to film “This Is Where I Leave You” on Burnham Place. This money will be earmarked for further beatification of the Village, specifically replacing damaged trees from Sandy and beautifying our parks. We are proud to announce some funds from the donation were used to successfully add the names of James J. Regan and Robert T. Munday to the monument in Waldmann Memorial Park prior to this Memorial Day. The monument sits right at the entrance to the park and is in memory of those residents of Munsey Park who died in the service of their country.   The Village is working with some of the families of those honored to hold an official dedication ceremony later this summer.


At our third Board Meeting, coming up on June 26th, we will vote on changes to the Village Code regarding generators and introduce a Law regarding mayoral term limits. These proposed laws can be found for review on the web site under the Local Law tab. With regard to other sections of the code, we are currently undertaking an analysis of the effect that lowering building permit fees will have on the budget and on future taxes. If we are satisfied that lowering the fees will not necessitate increased taxes, we will propose an amendment to the code and schedule a vote. Additionally, we are reviewing the current tree code to make the permit process easier to navigate while maintaining the integrity of the code. Further, we are revising the filming code to make the process of filming in Munsey Park less onerous on the Village and its residents. We are also creating an Ethics working group to update our Policy and create an Ethics Committee. Lastly, we are undertaking a comprehensive evaluation of our parks with the goal of creating a long term beautification plan. We continue to encourage additional ideas and input and look forward to working closely with the residents of Munsey Park in the future.


Frank DeMento


AuthorVillage Administrator

National Grid has taken advance steps to prepare LIPA’s system for an impending storm which is predicted to bring rain, snow, localized flooding and damaging winds to Long Island, with sustained winds of 30-35 mph and gusts potentially reaching 50 mph. Weather forecasters are predicting that this slow moving storm will impact Long Island for an extended period, arriving mid-afternoon today and continuing into Friday. As a result, there is a potential for the storm to cause widespread electrical outages.

We are closely monitoring the storm’s progress as we continue to take numerous advance steps to prepare the system for the predicted weather and to position the company for an efficient and timely restoration effort. Among other actions, we have secured extra repair crews and support personnel, increased staffing at our Customer Call Center, prepared all restoration equipment and inventories and pre-stocked strategic locations across the Island with wires, transformers, and additional restoration equipment. Additionally, we continue to proactively contact critical care facilities, elected officials and municipal leaders to discuss our storm preparation efforts and ensure that they are taking appropriate actions to prepare themselves for the upcoming weather.

As we prepare, it is also important that our customers take steps to prepare as well. As the storm approaches, customers should take the following steps to prepare.

  • •Make sure you have a working, battery powered radio or TV and a good supply of fresh replacement batteries. Have flashlights available for all family members.
  • •If an electric pump supplies your water, fill spare food-grade containers with water for cooking and washing in anticipation of a possible power interruption.
  • •Make sure all motor driven equipment, such as garage door openers, can be operated manually.
  • •When using a portable generator, make sure all LIPA-powered equipment is disconnected. This will avoid severe hazards when reconnecting the power to your home or business.
  • •Have a first aid kit at home and check its contents to make sure they are complete and up to date. If you have family members with special medical needs, such as insulin or other prescription drugs, check to make sure you have an adequate supply.
  • •Do not use charcoal to cook indoors: deadly carbon monoxide gas can accumulate in your home.
  • •If you have an elderly neighbor, be a Good Samaritan and check on his or her status.

Additional storm safety and preparedness tips and an informational video and guidance are available on the Long Island Power Authority’s (LIPA) Storm Center website at

In the event of outages resulting from the storm, power will be restored to all customers affected as quickly and safely as possible. Should you experience an outage as a result of the storm, it is important that you report it to through the Long Island Power Authority’s (LIPA) hotline: 1-800-490-0075 or at 631-755-6900 or by visiting their Storm Center website from a computer or mobile device. To report via text messaging, text OUT to myLIPA (695472) - pre-registration is required.

We would also like to remind customers to be alert. Please drive carefully and exercise caution when driving near any of the repair crews working to restore power. If you see any downed wire, assume it is live and do not go near it. Report it immediately to 1-800- 490-0075 or at 631-755-6900

AuthorVillage Administrator