Update from the Munsey Park Board of Trustees
October 10, 2013
Hello again from Village Hall and the Board of Trustees. We hope everyone has been enjoying the beginning of the fall, for those with kids getting them into a routine with school and their activities, while hopefully enjoying the wonderful colors the change in foliage brings to the Village. We again would like to recap some of the work we’ve be doing around the Village, what we have planned, and opportunities for residents to get involved.
AROUND THE VILLAGE: The month of September was a busy month around Village Hall. Wilson “Willy” Mead, one of our most beloved and dedicated members of the utility crew, retired. Willy was honored at our September board meeting with well-deserved citations not only from the Village but also from Nassau County, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Ed Mangano, Nassau County legislature Judi Bosworth, and New York Senator Jack Martins. Willie has relocated down to Georgia with his family and we’re all looking forward to receiving the first batch of peaches he has promised to deliver next spring. In his last few weeks, Willie was hard at work training his replacement, Bernie Dunn. Like Willie, Bernie is also a very proud Veteran of the Marine Corps and is still an active reservist in the Army. We want to wish Willie all the happiness in the world with retirement, and also want to welcome Bernie and wish him the best of luck in his new position in the Village.
REMEBERENCE: During the September meeting we also took the time to remember those Village residents that lost their lives on September 11th with a moment of silence. They include Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey Jr. , John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly, and Frank Salvaterra.
VILLAGE TRUSTEE AND BAC POSITIONS: We are happy to announce we have filled the vacant trustee position after trustee Seidner relocated outside of the Village. Jennifer Noone, has accepted to fill that position and will finish out that term until reelection in March. Jennifer has lived in Munsey Park for the past 6 years with her husband Brian, and children Brian, Aubrey, Natalie, and Tristan. Trustee Noone will move off the Building Advisory Committee and we are extremely happy to announce that Mimi Donahue has accepted to fill the vacated position on that committee going forward. The Board could not be happier with the addition of Jennifer and Mimi and are looking forward to working with and supporting their ideas in how to make the Village a better place for all residents.
ROADS: Trustee Noone, wasting no time, has agreed to oversee the upkeep and maintenance of the roads. Prior to the kids getting back to school we had our crew out on the roads painting crosswalks and stop sign markers throughout the village. At any time if residents notice that crosswalks or any other road markings need some updating, please contact Village Hall. Over the last few months we’ve been working with our village engineers to identify some of the worst damaged or decaying curbs and sections of streets that we can use the available CHIPS money to repair. With the areas identified we are hoping to get in as much of the work as possible prior to the winter.
TREE LAW AND ANNUAL PRUNING: During our September meeting the board passed amendments to the current Tree Law we spoke of in our last newsletter. We are hoping the changes will make it easier for our residents to understand and execute the necessary steps required to remove and plant trees in the village.
After entertaining bids from several different tree removal companies, the Board accepted the bid for annual tree pruning around the village. This work is quite extensive including the pruning at over 75 different locations and is currently ongoing.
Please remember to check with Village Hall prior to starting any tree work. We have had many residents come before the board as of late due to not researching what our current laws allow. Please understand the Board in general is in place to help residents but should not be asked to circumvent the Villages codes or processes.
PARKS: This Friday the Munsey Park Woman’s Club will be hosting a fall festival at Copley Pond, we are happy they chose to host the event at the park and are looking forward to having more events held there for the residents in the future. The Village and the MPWC have also partnered to create a long term vitalization plan for the manmade pond at Copley. One of the first steps to stop the continued erosion of the pond walls was to remove the trees, vegetation, and root systems surrounding the pond. Once we have pulled those areas back we will determine the best method to reestablish and fortify the walls, replant trees and bushes, and then set our sights on replacing the deteriorating walkway. We are looking forward to this revitalization project and will make sure to include all residents that want to get involved in the process.
UPDATE FROM SANDY DAMAGE: The board was updated with unfinished work on damaged utility poles and hanging or damaged wires. The Board has been actively working with the utility and phone companies to address these outstanding issues so we may return the village back to its pre-Sandy condition.
TECHNOLOGY REPORT: Jeff Franchetti, the Village volunteer technology consultant, presented the board with his preliminary findings after doing an audit of the Village current capacity and website. We are extremely grateful for Jeff’s dedication to help the Village and are looking forward to launching our new website very soon.
VILLAGE HISTORY AND WELCOME PACKET: There was a time in Munsey Park that all new residents would receive a welcome packet form the Village explaining all the services and activities available to new residents. The Board has taken up the cause of re-establishing this packet with the intent of first finishing the published Village history which currently ends in 1980. Once that work is complete we will combine that work with the early history which longtime resident and former Board member George E. Miller had attempted to publish as a book. We are looking forward to the completion of that work and presenting the board a plan for a book we could fund that will be distributed to residents.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees
Mayor, Frank DeMento
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty
Trustee, Sue Auriemma
Trustee, Patrick Hance
Trustee, Jennifer Noone