Please see below for tree removal and pruning application. The Village requires the applicant to seek consent from a neighbor to prune branches of a neighbor's tree that hang in the applicant's airspace. We ask that you notify your neighbors if you are considering replacing a hedge row on a rear or side property line, whether it does or does not meet permit requirements according to the Village Code. Often perimeter evergreens and perimeter shrubs’ ownership is disputed. Please consult your survey and with your neighbor to clarify ownership to avoid such disputes.


In accordance with Chapter 172-7 of the Village Code, below is a list of the required replacements trees with a minimum height of eight (8) feet at the time of re-planting:

 Ash (Fraxinus), all species

Beech (Fagus), American species and European species and its cultivars Birch (Betula), all species

Black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia)

Coffee-tree (Gymnocladus dioica)

Elm (Umus), American and English species

Flowering cherry (Prunus)

Flowering crabapple (Malus)

Flowering dogwood (Comus), American or Chinese species

Hawthorn (Crataegus), any species or named cultivar

Hickory (Carya), any species

Honey locust (Gledilsia)

Hornbeam (Carpinus), all species

Horse chestnut (Aesculus), all species

Japanese maple

Japanese pagoda tree (Sophora japonica)

Linden (Tifia), all species and cultivars

Magndia (Magnolia), all species

Maple (Acer)

Mountain ash (Sorbus), any species

Oak (Quercus), all species

Phellodendron amurense

Plane-tree (Platanus)

Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)

Serviceberry (Amelmichier), all species

Sorrell tree or sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum)

Tulip tree (Liriodendrom Tulipfera)

Walnut (Juglaris nigra)

Yellow wood (Cladrastis lutea), six inches in diameter or more

Zelkova (Zelkova japanica)



  1. BEAR TREE SERVICE 516-944-6333

  2. BRANCHING OUT 516-795-1017

  3. DANNY DP CORP. 516-883-8953

  4. EP TREE SERVICE 516-335-0781

  5. FRANK GIOVINAZZO N. SHORE TR 516-676-8216

  6. HARDER SERVICE INC. 516-481-8800