Recent Crime Activity in Munsey Park Area

Dear Residents,

We are writing to inform you of more recent crime activity in the Munsey Park area.

  • On Thursday, December 12 in Munsey Park, a wallet was stolen from a car parked in a driveway.
  • On Sunday December 15 in Munsey Park, a home was burglarized while the homeowners slept upstairs. Entry was made through an unlocked back door. Loss included credit cards and cash.
  • On Sunday, December 15 at 9:45pm an SUV was hit by another vehicle on Stonytown Road in Flower Hill. When the driver of the car got out to check for damage, two of the four occupants who were armed with handguns approached the driver. He was then robbed of his wallet, money and key and pushed to the ground. The robbers then fled the scene with the SUV. Police later located the abandoned vehicle in Queens.

Residents are asked to please remain vigilant and take all necessary precautions to secure homes.

LOCK all doors and windows at all times.

LOCK all vehicles parked in driveways and remove all valuables.

LIGHT the exterior of your home.

ALARM your home if you have a burglar alarm system.

ALERT the police via 911 of any suspicious activity or individuals.

Holiday times often show a spike in home burglaries. These home security practices should be part of homeowners’ routines throughout the year but heightened awareness is very important during this time of year.

The Board of Trustees remains in contact with leadership at the Third Precinct to encourage heightened enforcement and ongoing communication.

Please forward this email to your friends and neighbors. Also, a Manhasset Neighborhood Watch group has been started on Facebook. Following is the link if you would like to join and receive updates as to crime activity in our town.


The Board of Trustees
Village of Munsey Park

AuthorVillage Administrator