July 15, 2013
We hope all our residents are enjoying their summer. We’ve had a busy month since our last update and we wanted to highlight some of the things that are happening in and around the Village.
AROUND THE VILLAGE: The filming of “This is Where I Leave You” concluded in June and we wanted to thank all the residents for their patience with this production. During the filming we received calls from several residents with concerns and advice, and we hope we were able to respond to all of those in a timely and responsible manner. Trustee Auriemma presented a post-production summary of the impact and procedures during the filming giving insight to the Board on managing future productions in Munsey Park. As for the donations from Warner Brothers, once the board accounts for all its legal costs related to the film we will discuss where the balance of the funds can be used to beautify the Village.
VOLUNTEERS: Trustee Seidner has informed the Board that he and his family have purchased a home outside of Munsey Park and plan on moving on or around our next slated meeting in September. We want to thank Matt for his hard work and dedication to the Village over the years and wish him happiness with his new home. The Mayor is in the process of speaking to residents that have shown interest in the position. In accordance with the law he will appoint a resident to fulfill the balance of Trustee Seidner’s term. With that said, any residents who have interest in getting involved are encouraged to reach out to any of the Trustees and we will work to find a position that could benefit the Village and be rewarding to you.
Further, The Village is looking for a resident who would like to serve as the representative to Cablevision/PATV. Meetings will take place every 2-3 months on a Thursday evening. Please contact sauriemma@munseypark.org if you are interested in learning more.
Lastly, we have created a new position “Village Technology Consultant” for Jeff Franchetti. Jeff has volunteered to help the Village create a new and user-friendly web site. Thank you, Jeff.
HURRICANE SEASON: The Village is compiling a list to present to LIPA of locations where temporary fixes were made following Sandy that still need to be repaired properly. If you are aware of any locations that need to be addressed please email that information to admin@munseypark.org. Further, with Hurricane Season approaching, residents are asked to be sure they are signed up for important emergency alerts from North Shore Alert. As our village is part of the Port Washington-Manhasset Office of Emergency Management, we are subscribers to North Shore Alert system that allows residents to enter their email address, cell phone number and/or phone number to receive emergency messages. In addition, the Village will be ultimately converting its email list over to North Shore Alert for routine emails such as this so please be sure to add your email at NorthShoreAlert.org
DOGS: It has been brought to the attention of the Village Board that residents should be reminded of the following section of the Village Code with regard to curbing of animals:
§ 76-2 [Amended 8-14-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996] No person who owns, possesses, harbors, keeps or is in charge or control of a dog, cat or other animal shall cause, suffer, allow or permit any such animal to soil, defile, defecate, or urinate on any public highway, street, thoroughfare, or walk used in common by the public, or any place where people congregate or on any private property, without the permission of the owner of said private property. The restriction in this section shall not apply to that portion of the street lying between the curblines, and, with respect to streets which have adjoining sidewalks, the property between the curbline of the street and the sidewalk, which areas shall be used to curb such animals, provided that the person who so curbs such animal shall immediately remove all feces deposited by such animal by placing the feces in a paper or plastic bag which shall be secured and deposited in a covered garbage receptacle.
ROADS: We continue to employ funds from state CHIPS program to make minor road repairs. We are currently getting bids to do some work on Whistler and will work off our engineer’s report and resident input to continue road work throughout the year. Fire hydrant replacement by the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District is getting underway. The Water District will contact affected residents prior to replacement with tips for any disruption to service.
VILLAGE HALL: We are preparing to convert our current oil heat and air conditioning system to natural gas system. As any of you who have visited Village Hall know, our air conditioning system has run its course and we hope to have the new system in place by the next Board Meeting in September.
LEGISLATION: The following are the amendments and new laws that have been passed at the past two meetings:
Law #3-2013 Mayoral Term Limits: The Board passed a new law limiting the terms a Mayor may run for office. The new, law which can be found in its entirety on our website, states a Mayor is limited to running for 3 consecutive 2 years terms (6 years in total), and then must sit out one election cycle as Mayor prior to running again for a maximum of 3 consecutive 2 year terms.
Law #4-2013 Generators: After a considerable amount of research into what generators are available to residents for purchase that comply with the previous 60 Dba limit, and what residents have been actually installing, the Board passed an amendment to the previous generator law increasing the decibel limit from 60Dba to 80Dba and including limitations to where placement of the generator can be in the rear yard setbacks.
Law #5-2013 Filming Fees: After being made aware that the Village attorney fees were not covered in the previous Filming Laws, the Board passed a law that any additional Legal fees connected to a movie production in the Village will be the sole responsibility of the production company.
Introduction of Law #6 Trees: The Board has introduced amendments to the current tree laws meant to simplify applying the law as it pertains to residents. It is composed of three basic sections based on whether the tree for which a permit is sought on: 1. Village Property; 2. Homeowner’s Property; 3. Neighbor’s Property. The proposed law is on the Village website for review and will be again open for public debate at our next Board meeting on Sept 11th.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees
Mayor Frank DeMento, fdemento@munseypark.org
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, shaggerty@munseypark.org
Trustee Sue Auriemma, sauriemma@munseypark.org
Trustee Patrick Hance, phance@munseypark.org