April 10, 2018
Mayor Frank DeMento
Deputy Mayor Jennifer Noone
Trustee Lawrence Ceriello
Trustee Antonio D’Angelo
Trustee Anthony M. Sabino
Paul Pepper, Morici & Morici, LLP
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance – said by all.
JUSTICE REPORT for March, 2018 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $5,836.00.
POLICE REPORT for February 2018 was submitted and stated occurrences for Burglary Residence, Burglary Business, Robbery, Larceny Auto, Larceny (other than auto) and Criminal Mischief were none. There were a total of 38 moving violations and 12 parking violations.
BUILDING REPORT for June 1, 2017 to April 5, 2018 was submitted and stated permit fees collected in the total amount of $229,326.75 with a total project value of $7,224.960.
The Mayor administered the Oath of Office to Anthony M. Sabino and Jennifer Noone, who were elected in the Village’s annual election on March 20, 2018. Trustee D’Angelo was also sworn in again for the vacant trustee seat for the 2018-2019 official year.
Mayor DeMento moved into the annual meeting by reading the following appointments and resolutions:
The Mayor reported that the Oath of Office had been taken by following, elected in the Village’s annual election on March 20, 2018:
Trustee: Jennifer Noone 2 Years
Anthony M. Sabino 2 Years
Village Justice: John Turano 4 Years
The Mayor further announced the appointment of Antonio D’Angelo, to the vacant Trustee seat for the 2018-2019 Official Year.
The following Resolution was proposed:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Board of Trustees serve without compensation for the current fiscal year, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to §4-400 of the Village Law of the State of New York, The Board of Trustees approves the following appointments by the Mayor:
TARA GIBBONS, be re-appointed VILLAGE CLERK/TREASURER for a term of two (2) years, expiring on the first Monday of April 2020;
MAUREEN MCLEAN, be re-appointed DEPUTY CLERK for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April 2019;
ANTHONY DiPROPERZIO, be re-appointed BUILDING INSPECTOR, for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April 2019;
PATRICIA MILLER, be re-appointed ACTING VILLAGE JUSTICE, for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April 2019;
ROBERT MORICI, Morici & Morici, LLP, be re-appointed VILLAGE ATTORNEY for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April 2019;
LAURA DILIMETIN, be re-appointed VILLAGE PROSECUTOR for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April 2019;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of § 7-712 of the Village Law of the State of New York, Joseph Russo is appointed to the Board of Zoning and Appeals for a term of five (5) years;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the firm of SATTY, LEVINE & CIACCO, CPA’s, be re-appointed to provide accounting services and the Village’s annual audit, for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April 2019;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the MANHASSET PRESS, a newspaper published in Manhasset, Town of North Hempstead, New York, be and hereby is designated as OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER of the Incorporated Village of Munsey Park for the official year ending on the first Monday of April 2019, pursuant to §4-412 of the Village Law of the State of New York; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Investment Policy is updated to reflect that the First National Bank of Long Island will remain the Village’s Official Bank;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the First National Bank of Long Island is hereby designated as the OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY for the current official year and that the Clerk/Treasurer be authorized to deposit funds as outlined in the Investment Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on January 14, 1987 and amended June 12, 1996; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Accounting Policy that all bills are reviewed by the Mayor and all accounting entries are reviewed by Robert Kordic, of ALBRECHT, VIGGIANO, ZURECK & CO., P.C., Certified Public Accountants, for any adjustments and reconciliation;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all meetings of the Village Board of Trustees shall begin at 7:30p.m.; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Meeting dates for the forthcoming Official Year are as follows:
April 10, 2018
May 9, 2018
June 13, 2018
July 11, 2018
August – No Meeting
September 12, 2018
October 10, 2018
November 14, 2018
December 12, 2018
January 9, 2019
February 13, 2019
March 13, 2019
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Zoning & Appeals (BZA) meetings shall be held as needed on the Third Monday of the month and begin at 7:00p.m.;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees has determined that attendance by certain municipal officers and employees at one or more meetings during the coming official year will benefit the municipality and the Clerk/Treasurer or Deputy Clerk/Court Clerk be, and hereby is authorized to attend the regular meetings of their respective State, county and local associations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Mayor and the Board of Trustees are authorized to attend any training schools as required or deemed appropriate;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Justice and Acting Village Justice are authorized to attend State or County continuing Judicial Education Programs; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Building Inspector is authorized to attend the annual State Building Officials Conference; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such officers or employees for actual expenses and/or for mileage at the rate per mile set by the Internal Revenue Service for travel in their personal automobiles to these meetings, schools and conferences;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Pursuant to §4-400 of the Village Law of the State of New York, Mayor Frank DeMento, hereby appoints Jennifer Noone as Deputy Mayor for the upcoming official year.
The forgoing resolution was moved by Trustee Noone and seconded by Trustee Sabino and adopted as follows:
Frank DeMento, Mayor - Aye
Jennifer Noone, Trustee - Aye
Lawrence Ceriello, Trustee - Aye
Antonio D'Angelo, Trustee - Aye
Anthony Sabino, Trustee - Aye
Final Budget
Trustee D’Angelo presented the final budget for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2019. He informed the Board that the final budget will be available on the Village website on April 11, 2018. Motion to adopt that budget made by Trustee Noone, seconded by Trustee Sabino and approved by all.
SCA Fair Approval
Mayor DeMento read a letter sent by SCA Fair Chairperson, Annie Young, requesting the Village’s assistance with parking signs. The SCA Fair is May 5, 2018 from 9 AM to 5 PM at Munsey Park School.
Commercial Traffic in Village
On April 2, 2018, Mr. Kennedy, wrote an email to the Board of Trustees to express his concerns over increased construction traffic on Manhasset Woods Road. Mr. Kennedy attended the April 10th meeting and briefly summarized the on-going issue with construction traffic from Northern Boulevard to Manhasset Woods Road. The Board agreed that this is a concern for the Village and will look further into the matter. The Board will present their findings to Mr. Kennedy at the next meeting.
Questions and comments were received from the following residents:
Mr. Jim McGivney
Ms. Deborah Miller
Motion to close the public meeting made by Trustee Sabino, seconded by Trustee Ceriello and confirmed by all at 8:09 PM.
_________________________________ ______________________________
Frank DeMento Tara Gibbons
Mayor Treasurer/Clerk