May 9, 2018
Deputy Mayor Jennifer Noone Mayor Frank DeMento
Trustee Antonio D’Angelo Trustee Lawrence Ceriello
Trustee Anthony M. Sabino
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Paul Pepper, Morici & Morici, LLP
Deputy Mayor Noone called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance – said by all.
JUSTICE REPORT for April 2018 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $4,780.00.
POLICE REPORT for April 2018 was submitted and stated occurrences for Burglary Residence, Burglary Business, Robbery, Larceny Auto, 2 Larceny incidents (other than auto) and Criminal Mischief were none. There were a total of 35 moving violations and 14 parking violations.
BUILDING REPORT for June 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018 was submitted and stated permit fees collected in the total amount of $241,497.75 with a total project value of $7,839,070.
Memorial Day Ceremony
Munsey Park resident, Greg LiCalzi Jr., spoke to the Board about his idea to have a Memorial Day ceremony at Waldmann Park. Mr. LiCalzi, who lost his brother Mike to the Iraq War, wanted to honor all of the fallen soldiers and particularly those who lived in Munsey Park. The Park was named after Lt. George Waldmann, who in 1943, was the first resident of Munsey Park to die at war. The ceremony will take place on Monday, May 28, at Waldmann Park at 9 am. Deputy Mayor Noone spoke for the entire Board to express the Village’s support of Mr. LiCalzi and will help facilitate his efforts.
Village Entry-Way Beautification Update
Deputy Mayor Noone read an update from Trustee Ceriello regarding the Village Entry-Way Beautification project. The Manhasset Woods Road/Northern Boulevard, Park Avenue and Copley Road entrances will be revamped and the Port Washington Boulevard entrance will be groomed within the next two weeks. During that time, the Village will also be planting 18 Right Of Way (ROW) trees. Homeowners who are interested in the fall planting should contact the Village and they will be placed on a priority list along with those residents who indicated an interest, but did not get a tree for the spring 2018 planting.
Speed Limit and Safety Update
Trustee D’Angelo stated that the Village has been calling respective businesses to let them know the regulations regarding commercial vehicle traffic in our neighborhood. In addition, we are also working with the police department on enforcement.
Road Update Hawthorne/Eakins
Trustee Noone stated that the Village received four bids for the road work. Our engineer, Jim Antonelli, is going to review the bids and submit an analysis. In an effort to move the project forward, the Board will hold a special meeting on May 22 to discuss the road bids and vote on a contractor.
Questions and comments were received from the following resident:
Mrs. Deborah Miller
Motion to close the public meeting made by Trustee Sabino, seconded by Trustee D’Angelo and confirmed by all at 7:54 PM.
_________________________________ ______________________________
Frank DeMento Tara Gibbons
Mayor Treasurer/Clerk