July 9, 2014


  • Mayor Frank J. DeMento
  • Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
  • Trustee Jennifer Noone
  • Trustee Patrick M. Hance
  • Trustee John Lippmann    
  • Robert Morici, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m

MINUTES for the meeting of June 11, 2014 was approved by all.

CLAIMS for June/July were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $46,208.04.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for June 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $7,101.00.

LOCAL LAW #4 – 2014

Local Law #4 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 172-7 of the Village Code, Requiring a Deposit with Regards to the Replacement of Trees, Shrubs or Flowers on an Applicant’s Property.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried.  Trustee John Lippmann made the motion to adopt Local Law #4 – 2014, which was seconded by Mayor Frank J. DeMento and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)

LOCAL LAW #5 – 2014

Local Law #5 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 172-7 of the Village Code, Requiring a Deposit with Regards to the Replacement of Trees, Shrubs or Flowers NOT on public property or the Applicant’s Property.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried.  Trustee John Lippmann made the motion to adopt Local Law #5 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)

LOCAL LAW #6 – 2014

Local Law #6 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 208-1 of the Village Code, “Enumerating the Schedule of Fees.”   The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee John Lippman, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried.  Trustee John Lippmann made the motion to adopt Local Law #6 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed.  (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)


Mrs. Peter Hannesson appeared before the Board to request approval for a permanent basketball court on her property.  The basketball hoop would be facing Mrs. Hannsesson’s house and would not disturb the neighbor.  On a motion made by Mayor Frank J. DeMento to approve the basketball court, seconded by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and approved by all.


Mr. Robert Read appeared before the Board to request that the Board require Mr. & Mrs. Ramos pay for the removal of their dead tree.  Mr. Read had filed for the permit and did not want to pay for the removal.  Mayor DeMento explained that the tree committee approved the tree to be removed, but that the since the permit application was done by the Reads, the payment would be their expense.  Mr. Read agreed to remove the tree at his expense.


Mayor Frank DeMento advised the Board that Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty had been obtaining bids for the revitalization of Copley Park Pond.  Deputy Mayor Haggerty received a quote for $19,000 to renovate the wall of the pond from Ralph D’Alessandro Contracting.  On a motion made by Trustee Patrick Hance to approve Ralph D’Alessandro Contracting to renovate Copley Park Pond at a cost of $19,000, seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and approved by all.


The Mayor discussed the Introduction for a Local Law in Regards to Building Permit Fees.  He and Trustee Noone have made several suggestions to the change, but requested that Trustee Hance look at the Budget numbers.  The Mayor requested that a public hearing be placed on the September agenda. The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Frank DeMento to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on September 10, 2014 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and unanimously carried.


The Village Attorney addressed the Board that certain village ordinances had not been transferred to the Village Code Book with regard to Vehicle and Traffic.  He proposed a local law that would incorporate past practices.  The Board addressed the possibility of “No Thru Traffic” or “No Commercial Traffic except Local Delivery” signs be placed at every entrance of the Village.  

Motion by Trustee Lippmann, to close the meeting and go into executive session, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and approved by all.


______________________               ___________________________
Frank DeMento                                  Barbara C. Miller
Mayor                                                 Clerk/Treasurer


AuthorVillage Administrator