May 14, 2014
- Mayor Frank J. DeMento
- Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
- Trustee Patrick M. Hance
- Trustee John Lippmann
- Robert Morici, Village Attorney
- Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer
Trustee Jennifer Noone
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m
MINUTES for the meeting of April 9, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for April/May were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $92,450.88. Budget Adjustments were made in the amount of $40,120.43. After review, the Board approved all for payment.
JUSTICE REPORT for April 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $8,054.00.
LOCAL LAW #3 – 2014
Local Law #3 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending Section 200-37 (k) of the Village Code, Regarding Permanent Fences Permitted at the Outside Perimeter of Munsey Park Including Northern Boulevard and Port Washington Boulevard.” The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried. Trustee Patrick Hance made the motion to adopt Local Law #3 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)
Mr. Kapoor, 801 Park Avenue, complained about the speed on Park Avenue. Vince Syracuse explained to the Board and the attending residents that the former board had done a traffic study and it was ascertain that most of the motor vehicles on Park Avenue were not residents of Munsey Park. Trustee Lippmann advised Mr. Kapoor that the Board will continue to review ways to slow the speed on Park Avenue.
Rita and Vince Syracuse complained to the Board that there are many residents who are walking their dogs and failing to pick-up after them. Mrs. Syracuse requested that the Board put something in the newsletter and maybe even on the web site.
Mr. Thomas Broderick, 6 Strickland Place, appeared before the Board to install a permanent basketball court on his property. The basketball court would be placed on his property in such a way that balls would not go into any neighbor’s property. The Mayor and Board of Trustees approved the permanent basketball court.
Mr. Vinay Kapoor, 801 Park Avenue, requested to address the Board on the building fees. He advised the Board that he is only finishing his basement and should not be charged fees as if this was an addition. He is not adding to his house, but improving the inside. The Mayor explained to Mr. Kapoor that since he got elected, he has reviewed the fees and also worked with the Deputy Mayor Haggerty and Trustee Hance on the fees. Deputy Mayor requested that Mr. Kapoor work with the Board to try an establish fees that would not jeopardize the budget.
Mrs. William D’Antonio, 29 Stuart Place, advised the Board that she believes that the Dailey property appears to be two lots on the 1962 map that is in front of the Board. The Village Attorney explained to Mrs. D’Antonio that the sub-division hearing was closed and therefore, he requested the Board not to respond.
Trustee Lippmann explained to the residents that he attended the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District’s meeting on May 6, 2014 along with Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty and the Village Attorney. The Water District had little discussion but did vote to have their engineer prepare a bid package for the new water tower.
Motion by Trustee Lippmann, to close the meeting and go into executive session, seconded by Deputy Mayor Haggerty and approved by all.
______________________ ___________________________
Frank DeMento Barbara C. Miller
Mayor Clerk/Treasurer