September 10, 2014


PRESENT:                                         ABSENT:

  • Mayor Frank J. DeMento
  • Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery
  • Trustee Jennifer Noone                                            
  • Trustee Patrick M. Hance
  • Trustee John Lippmann    
  • Robert Morici, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer 

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MOMENT OF SILENCE for the Munsey Park residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001:  Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey, Jr., John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly and Frank Salvaterra.

MINUTES for the meeting of July 9, 2014 was approved by all with corrections. 

CLAIMS for July/August/September were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $285,263.31.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for July 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $6,994.00.


Mr. Papiro of Papiro landscaping appeared before the Board to replace an existing railroad tie retaining with a pre-cast concrete retaining wall.  The Board approved the retaining wall and advised Mr. Papiro to submit paper work to the Building Advisory Committee for review.


Mrs. Kong appeared before the Board in regards to the Building Advisory denial to allow two trellises. After discussion, the Board approved the trellis in the rear of the property and Mrs. Wong should submit a building permit pertaining to this.  The trellis in the front yard is denied.  Motion to agree with the Building Advisory decision to remove the trellis in the front yard made by Tr. Lippmann, seconded by Mayor DeMento and approved by all.


Department Inspector Corona and Sargent Johnson appeared before the Board to assist with questions concerning traffic, aggressive drivers and pedestrian safety.  The police and the schools are making every effort to inform parents and children of the importance of safety.  Trustee Lippman is working with the police to look into speed limits, parking and truck routes for the safety of the Village.  The police will also increase patrol around the school area and during heavy commuter hours.


The Mayor advised those in attendance that an article had appeared in the Manhasset Times concerning a walkway in front of Village Hall for the children of the Munsey Park School.  Several residents were upset that this was taking place on Sargent Place.  Village Attorney explained that no official proposal is in front of the Board of Trustees. The school and the Congregational Church must have an agreement in place before anything further can be addressed to the Village.  The mayor explained to Dr. Kendall, Principal of the Munsey park Elementary School, that the Board would need the following prior to the Board consideration:

  1. Artist rendering of the engineers plan on the possible walkway
  2. Signed IMA agreement with the Congregational Church with usage details
  3. Proposal from a contractor
  4. Appropriate funding guarantees


Mr. Cyrgalis appeared before the Board to speak about the flooding in front of his house.  About fifteen years ago the village engineer was working on a solution for the flooding.  Apparently the piping was not correctly done and he wants the Village to review the situation.  Trustee Noone will contact the present village engineers on this situation and she will correspond with Mr. Cyrgalis on the outcome.  

Motion by Trustee Lippmann, to close the meeting and go into executive session, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and approved by all.


____________________________                   __________________________                      

Frank DeMento                                                 Barbara C. Miller

                  Mayor                                                           Village Clerk/Treasurer

AuthorVillage Administrator