         March 11, 2015

Minutes (February 11, 2015)
                                                   Building Inspector  - 

ORAL REPORTS:    Clerk - Reports
                                                   Court Matters  
1.    Tentative Budget 2015-2016     Mayor & Board
2.     Bond                Mayor & Board
3.    New building department software - $3,700 – includes old files    
                                Mayor & Board
4.  324 Park Avenue – property survey – fence    
                                Dr. Nijarian
5.   Signage 1649 Northern blvd    Mayor & Board


AuthorGuest User


                          BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                              February 11, 2015

Minutes (January 14, 2015)
                                                            Building Inspector  - 


                                                          Clerk - Reports
                                                          Court Matters  

1.    324 Park Avenue – property survey – fence (Nijarian)        Mayor & Board
2.     Proposed sub-division – 67 Knollwood – Village of Flower Hill    Mayor & Board
3.    1695 Northern Blvd – AllState Sign                Mayor & Board
4.      Children’s Easter parade – Waldman Park                Mayor & Board
5.    Discussion – Burnham Place                    Mayor & Board

AuthorGuest User

Incorporated Village of Munsey Park

Board of Trustees Update                                 February 2015

The Board of Trustees hopes all our residents made it through the recent snowstorms as well as possible. We also hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday season and wish everyone a Happy and Healthy 2015. Please see below for some of the highlights of what’s happening in and around the Village.

 STORM MAINTENANCE: We would like to thank our dedicated staff and maintenance crew for their hard work maintaining and clearing the roads during the last few storms. We are grateful for their hard work and all the residents’ cooperation during these storms which ultimately makes getting around the Village a bit safer.

VILLAGE FEES: After hearing many residents complain of the complexities within the Village fee structure, the Board recently passed a resolution to simplify the fees. It was the Boards intent to transition the structure from a square foot plus percentage of costs of construction structure to a more flat rate structure, eliminating the percentage of cost of construction component. The Board studied the actual fees over the last few years and took the lower end of the averages as the new fixed rate. This takes the Village out of the guessing game of projecting projects costs, and allows residents to use the highest quality materials and appliances without worrying about an additional cost. A full list of the new fees will be posted on the Village website or available through Village Hall.


·         In an effort to take advantage of the current rate environment, The Board of Trustees continues to research the possibility of refinancing the Village’s outstanding street bond. The goal would be to free additional funds to put to work on the roads while keeping the costs to residents unchanged.

·         In conjunction with this refinancing the Village has begun work on filing a formal Request For Proposals to provide professional engineering services related to Village’s development of its Long Term Infrastructure Plan.


REFUSE COLLECTION: Please be reminded that all walkways must be cleared of snow so the sanitation workers can gain access to cans and bags for rear side pickup.  Refuse collection is usually delayed after a snow storm, so please be patient as services take some time to resume back to normal.  During a snow storm, refuse services are typically halted from the Town of North Hempstead so roads can be cleared for snow removal.

 NEW VILLAGE COMMITTEES: We have received many offers from our residents that want to volunteer at the Village level.  In an effort to get more residents involved in the Village and for them to gain experience in Village work, the Board will be creating three new committees: Beautification, Finance, and Legal with focus on updating the Code.  These committees will allow the Village to aid the Trustees in their specific responsibilities and will consist of a Committee Chair and resident volunteers. If you have experience in any of these areas or are interested in volunteering, please contact any of the Trustees below.  

MUNSEY PARK, On a Street Where You Live... The Manhasset Library has a six part series celebrating the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s role in the development of Munsey Park. The series will focus on the American Artists that the Village streets are named after. For more information please contact The Manhasset Public Library.

CONGRATULATIONS: The Board of Trustees would like to congratulate Munsey Park residents Ken Wiegand and Mark Sauvigne on their recent election victories. We are looking forward to working with Ken in his role at the Park District, and Mark in his role at the MLWD.

VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 11th at 7:30pm.

For additional information please visit our website at

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:

Mayor         Frank DeMento         

Deputy Mayor     Sean Haggerty           

Trustee                  Patrick Hance             

Trustee                  John Lippmann          

Trustee                    Jennifer Noone          

AuthorGuest User

Incorporated Village of Munsey Park

Board of Trustees Update                                           November 2014

The Board of Trustees would like to wish all our residents a Happy Thanksgiving.With a pending storm expected to reach our region late Wednesday, and some recent crime in the area, we felt it was important to communicate some Village safety protocols, and pass along additional information from PSEG in case of power failures.

VILLAGE CRIME: Unfortunately our community has been thetarget of some recent burglaries. With the Holidays upcoming we ask all residents to be diligent with securing their homes and cars.

  • Please keep your homes and cars locked at all times, most of the burglaries have been opportunistic in nature and can strike at any time.
  • Keep valuable out of site in your homes, again these crimes were opportunistic in nature, breaking back windows or doors to grab visible valuables or quickly search bedrooms.
  • Keep an eye out for neighbors’ homes that may be on vacation.
  • If you see any suspicious activity call 911.

VILLAGE SNOW REMOVAL: The Village will have our Utility Crew on standby monitoring the storm forecasts throughout the day Wednesday, and for that matter any day a storm is expected. If we do indeed get snow they will monitor any accumulation on the Village Streets and respond appropriately with a sand/ salt mixture and plowing. In any storm we would remind residents to please keep cars off the streets to assist our efforts to clear the roads. We would also remind residents with sidewalks to do their best to clear those sidewalks within 24 hours of the storm. As always please take time to be mindful of elderly residents offering assistance if needed.

PSEG:Please be aware that snow can cling to tree branches and any remaining leaves, causing branches to fall onto electric wires. PSEG Long Island responds to power outages and electric emergencies 24 /7 and will have personnel on hand to handle any outages. If necessary, contractors, including tree crews, will be available to assist our own skilled workforce.


First check your neighborhood. If you are the only one without power, check your fuse box for tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses. If that’s not the problem, look outside at the wire between your house and the utility pole. If it is down, report it immediately to PSEG Long Island by phone.

Report a power outage using any of the following methods:

  • Mobile devices: Text “OUT” to PSEGLI (773454). You’ll receive ongoing updates about the status of your outage. If you’re not registered, text REG to PSEGLI (773454) or visit My Account.

If you call and receive an automated response, please follow the prompts, as it is designed to route your call to the right destination. If you have specific information regarding damage to wires, transformers or poles, please stay on the line to speak with a representative to provide that information.

General outage activity throughout our service territory is also available online and on our mobile website at Updates are posted during severe weather.

PARKING AROUND THE SCHOOL: The Board of Trustees has implemented theparking changes discussed in the last newsletter. As mentioned, we continue to work with the residents affected by these changes and plan to make any necessary changes once the parents understand the new parking pattern. We also plan to further discuss these changes during our December 10 Board of Trustees Meeting.

CURB YOUR DOG: The Village continues to receive multiple complaints a month regarding dog owners not appropriately curbing their dogs. Members of the Board of Trustees have also personally witnessed residents throwing bagged dog waste into storm drains. Dog owners should review the Villages laws regarding control, and curbing of dogs on our website at These laws were put in place to give residents the appropriate safeguards and considerations from dog owners in our Village. If these complaints continue, the Village will discuss if implementation of our enforcement and licensing laws is necessary. As a note, please be considerate to your neighbors, and dispose of dog waste in appropriate garbage cans either in the parks or your home.


Munsey Park will provide our final leaf collection service, Monday December 1st.Bagged leaves only should be placed on the curbside. Six (6) bags per pick up

This special collection is the only time that any leaf bags may be placed at the curb.

Please note that the Village Code prohibits the blowing or raking of leaves into the street. If you have gardeners, please advise them of this regulation.

VILLAGE COMPLAINTS/ CONCERNS: The members of the Board of Trustees has been elected to listen to you, please feel free to contact any Board Member to discuss concerns or ideas you may have with any aspect of the Village. The Village Clerks log all calls, emails, and letters sent to Village Hall by concerned residents and disseminate that log with any action items taken to all the trustees once a week. If you have a complaint or a concern the most effective way to have that processed is to either email a Trustee or the Village Clerk directly. Any written correspondence should be sent to Village Hall so that too may be logged appropriately.

ADDITIONAL MAILINGS: The Village intends on emailing future agendas prior to upcoming meetings to encourage as many interested residents as possible to attend meetings, and share their views on topics.

VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, December 10 at 7:30pm.

For additional information please visit our website at

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:

Mayor                        Frank DeMento         

Deputy Mayor           Sean Haggerty           

Trustee                       Patrick Hance             

Trustee                       John Lippmann          

Trustee                       Jennifer Noone         

AuthorVillage Administrator

Important Announcement:

Munsey Park will provide the special three (3) week leaf collection service this fall.

Bagged leaves should be placed for curbside pickup on the following three Mondays, 6 (six) bags per pickup date.

  • November 17
  • November 24
  • December 1

 This special collection is the only time that any leaf bags may be placed at the curb

Please note that the Village Code prohibits the blowing or raking of leaves into the street.  If you have gardeners, please advise them of this regulation.  Violators are subject to a summons and fine.

AuthorGuest User

The Village of Munsey Park together with the Munsey Park Women’s Club

Invite You to Attend the

Grand Reopening of Copley Park
Saturday, October 18, 2014
2:00 pm

The event will serve to thank all contributors to the Copley Pond Project and bring Munsey Park residents together.

A Welcome Ceremony will begin at 2:30pm with The National Anthem, a Flag Raising Ceremony, and special speakers.

Bring your picnic blankets and enjoy an afternoon filled with complimentary:

  • Barbeque
  • A hands-on educational experience about pond wildlife through the
  • Alley Pond Environmental Center
  • An outdoor painting class using canvases and easels inspired by the park provided by Soulshine Art Studio
  • Face painting and more

Rain date November 1

AuthorVillage Administrator

Incorporated Village of Munsey Park
Board of Trustees Update
September 2014

The Board of Trustees hopes this update finds all The Village residents well, and you’ve enjoyed the end of your summer. The Board didn’t meet in August so we again wanted to update the residents on issues discussed at our September meeting that are currently affecting the Village.

REMEBERANCE: We opened the September meeting with a moment a silence in remembrance for all those families who were affected, and especially to those Village residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. They include Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey Jr. , John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly, and Frank Salvaterra.

VILLAGE SAFETY: The Village is working with community groups and government agencies on multiple fronts to improve traffic and pedestrian safety. We are focused on a) improving community awareness, b) evaluating various traffic calming solutions, c) enacting appropriate policies & laws, and d) increasing enforcement. We welcome residents' input as we continue to work to improve quality of life in the Village.

TREES: The Village will begin planting approximately 25 trees on residents’ properties who requested a tree under the tree replacement campaign.

VILLAGE RIGHT-OF-WAY: In an effort to increase safety within the Village, the Village has been contacting residents who have plantings or other items that block lines of site for drivers or prohibit people walking from avoiding traffic in the street. The Village code states that no items or plantings be placed within the Village Right-of-Way without the approval of the Board of Trustees. During the next Board of Trustees meeting we will further debate the residents and Villages responsibilities in the right-of-way.

WALKWAY TO MUNSEY PARK SCHOOL: Although no official proposal is in front of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Jean Kendall from Munsey Park School was asked to return to the September Board of Trustees meeting and listen to residents’ concerns regarding a possible walkway through Village property. It was first at the June Board of Trustees Meeting that Dr. Kendall approached the board regarding a possible walkway. The school, after unsuccessfully petitioning the state to allow for safety upgrades to the current sidewalk on Northern Blvd asked the Board if it would consider a future proposal. Dr. Kendall was informed the Board would need the following prior to the Board’s consideration:

  1. Artist rendering of the engineers plan on possible walkway,
  2. Signed IMA agreement with The Congregational Church with usage details,
  3. Proposal from a contractor, and
  4. The appropriate funding guarantees

Although the Board of Education had discussed this proposal during their meeting in an attempt to raise the appropriate funds, they have not officially submitted the plan to the Village Board for its consideration. When and if the school submits the plans it will be up for public debate prior to a vote.

COPLEY POND PROJECT: We continue to be pleased with the progress being made at Copley Park. At the time of this newsletter the walkway will have been completed, the new flagpole, complements of the Munsey Park Women’s Club has been installed, and we will begin landscaping the affected areas. We are currently working on a few dates for the re-opening ceremony and fall festival and are excited for all the families in Munsey Park to come and enjoy the park.

MLWD WATER TOWER REPLACEMENT: The Village continues to work through the judicial process in an attempt to clarify the Village’s and its residents’ rights in regards to the proposed project.

LANDSCAPING AND CONSTRUCTION HOURS: Please be reminded hours of operation for construction or landscaping are from 8am to 6pm Monday through Saturday. There is NO work to be done on Sundays.

VILLAGE VANDALISM: In response to our last update we are happy to announce we’ve had a few of our street signs returned. If your teen just happens to be in possession of one of our street signs we ask that they please return them to Village Hall, during or after office business hours, or leave somewhere our crew can find them, no questions asked.

BEHIND THE HOME REFUSE PICKUP: As a reminder to those residents who are new to the Village. The Village has contracted Meadow Carting to have refuse picked up from  behind your homes. If you have large items that need to be left out front for pickup please arrange to have them left at the curb the prior night.

VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.

CONTACTING A TRUSTEE: The members of the Board of Trustees has been elected to listen to you, please fool free to contact any Board Member to discuss concerns or ideas you may have with any aspect of the Village.

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 8 at 7:30pm.

For additional information please visit our website at

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:

Mayor, Frank DeMento (
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty (
Trustee, Patrick Hance (
Trustee, John Lippmann (
Trustee, Jennifer Noone (

AuthorVillage Administrator

The Draft of the Village 2014 Storm Water Management Program Annual Report (SWMPAR) is now available for public review at Village Hall. The Draft SWMPAR can also be accessed from the link below. Comments on the Draft SWMPAR can be submitted to (516) 365-7790 and The Village Storm Water Management Program Plan Documents are also available for public review at Village Hall.

Resources > Stormwater Information

AuthorVillage Administrator


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustee meeting scheduled for Wednesday April 9, 2014 will start at 6:30pm instead of the regular scheduled  time of 7:30pm.

Barbara C. Miller
Village Clerk/Treasurer

Link to Agenda

AuthorVillage Administrator

Incorporated Village of Munsey Park
Board of Trustees update
March 20, 2014

The Board of Trustees would like to update the residents on some important issues and upcoming meetings regarding projects that will affect the Village.

AROUND THE VILLAGE: Village Elections are complete, Justice Turano was re-elected to the bench for a 4 year term, Jennifer Noone and John Lippmann have been elected to the Trustee positions and will each serve 2 year terms. The new terms start on April 1 and each will be sworn in at the Board of Trustees meeting on April 9. We are proud there is such a high level of interest to serve our community in Munsey Park. The candidates are our friends and neighbors and all deserve to be thanked for offering their time and energy for the Village. In the end, the residents are the ultimate winners by having the ability to choose from candidates that each care about the Village and are willing to volunteer their time in pursuit to make it a better place for all of us. The Board would like to thank Trustee Auriemma for her hard work, commitment, and dedication to the betterment of the Village.


The Planning Board has set a public meeting for Tuesday, April 29 at 7:30pm to hear final discussions regarding the proposed subdivision application at 80 Bellows Lane. All residents are welcome to attend to express any concerns or support they may have for the plan.

2014/15 BUDGET: The Board will discuss the budget for the next fiscal year at our April 9 Board Meeting, 7:30pm.


This Monday, March 24 at 7pm PSE&G will host an informational meeting at Harbor Links Golf Club to discuss their ongoing pole replacement project. This project has many residents of the Manhasset/ Port Washington communities concerned given the sheer magnitude of the poles being installed to handle the higher voltage lines. The PSE&G plan calls for these poles to be installed on the Munsey Park side of Northern Blvd and will significantly impact the characteristics of the street while running a significantly higher voltage line past homes and Munsey Park School. Again, we encourage all residents with concerns to attend the meeting to voice your concerns. Village officials will also be in attendance at this meeting.


The MLWD has set April 4 as a tentative date for a public meeting to discuss their plans for the Water Tower replacement and service upgrade project. The Board encourages all residents who are concerned about the MLWD’s current 18-24 month proposal, to join Village officials at this meeting to learn more and voice any concerns. The meeting will be held at the TONH, and as soon as the details are finalized we will get them to residents and post on our website.

COPLEY POND PROJECT: The Munsey Park Women’s Club has launched their Buy a Brick campaign and by all accounts participation has been strong. Any residents interested in participating in the campaign can reach out to Erin Cunningham at

SAFETY: Please continue to be diligent as we move into the spring and call 911 with any suspicious activity around the Village.

VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village in some capacity please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees. Currently there are positions open for those interested in the Building Advisory Committee.

We always end these updates with the invitation to reach out to any trustees with any questions or concerns. The Board wants to hear from you, please contact any of us to discuss concerns or ideas you may have with any aspect of the Village.

Mayor, Frank DeMento (
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty (
Trustee, Sue Auriemma (
Trustee, Patrick Hance (
Trustee, Jennifer Noone (

AuthorVillage Administrator

Incorporated Village of Munsey Park                                            March 6, 2014
Board of Trustees MLWD Special Update                                                       

Dear Residents,

Wednesday night the Manhasset Lakeville Water District (MLWD) held an informational meeting for all elected officials within the district regarding their planned replacement of the existing Munsey Park water tower. I along with, Mayor Demento, Trustee Hance, and Trustee Noone attended the meeting and we were given the opportunity to express the initial concerns of the Village and the Residents. At the meeting we were presented with a copy of their presentation, which is attached below.

We have also supplied a copy of the presentation to our resident liaison, John Lippmann. He is expected to present the Board with residents’ concerns at our next board meeting, which is this Wednesday, March 12th. The MLWD has tentatively scheduled a public meeting on the issue for April 8th. After reading the MLWD proposal, residents are encouraged to contact Chairman Andrew J Demartin at with any concerns.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our next Board Meeting and keeping you up through our Village newsletters.


Sean Haggerty
Deputy Mayor

Existing Tower and Architect Rendering of proposed replacement tower

Existing Tower and Architect Rendering of proposed replacement tower

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:

Mayor, Frank DeMento (
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty (
Trustee, Sue Auriemma (
Trustee, Patrick Hance (
Trustee, Jennifer Noone (

AuthorGuest User

We hope everyone enjoyed the Presidents Day Weekend, and is doing their best digging out of the latest storm. The Board wanted to again take a moment to update the residents on what has been going on, in and around the Village, and pass along some suggestions from the 3 precinct on how to better protect your home during this weeks’ school vacation.

AROUND THE VILLAGE: We have endured quit a winter season and we would again like to complement our maintenance crew in the stellar job they have done keeping our roads clear.

SAFETY: In response to what seems to be an increase in crime in our Village, Sean McCarthy, the Commanding Officer of the 3 Precinct joined us to address the recent crime and answer questions from our residents. In addition to a Burglary Prevention check list which can be found on our website at, here are some of the salient points from the meeting.

  • In all Emergency and Non-Emergency Situations use 911.
  • With the vacation this week, if you’ll be away make arrangement for someone to look over your home and to pick up any mail and newspapers. You can also, arrange to halt your mail and any newspaper service while you’re away by contacting the post office and your newspaper provider.
  • If it snows while you’re away, make arrangement to have someone clear the snow, giving the impression your home is occupied.
  • Utilize motion activated lighting on the perimeter of your home.
  • If you have an alarm, please get in the habit of using it.
  • Our most effective and powerful tool is simply to have neighbors watch out for each other. If something looks out of place, report it by calling 911.

ROADS: As you can all imagine our roads have taken quite a beating while trying to keeping them clear of the ice and snow. As a result potholes have formed throughout the village and we have been doing our best to repair them in between snow storms. If you have noticed a pothole needing attention please give Village Hall a call so we can make arraignments to have it repaired.


LAW #1-2014 Override NYS 2% Tax levy limit

In order to protect the residents of the Munsey Park from any unforeseen catastrophic financial emergency, our village like all other NYS Villages is required to pass a local law allowing the board the flexibility to override the 2% tax cap in case of such a catastrophic emergency. However, the Board has NO intention of breaking the 2% tax limit. As of this February due to increased fiscal control, the Villages finances are tracking in line with our projected budget. As such, in 2014, we don’t intend to increase taxes. In fact, we are doing our best to reduce taxes.

LAW #2-2014 Amendment of Code regarding placement of Basketball Hoops

Recently, we had a resident approach the board looking to place a Basketball hoop in the Village Right of way facing the street. After the resident application was denied, he informed the board that the law was not clear and felt it needed to be updated. In response to this request the Board updated the existing code including the words “Village Right of Way”.

ELECTIONS: The Village will again have contested Elections this year. There are two, 2 year term Trustee positions, and one, 4 year Village Justice position up for Re-Election. The Residents for a Better Munsey Park ticket includes incumbents Justice, John Turano and Trustee, Jennifer Noone, and challenger Johnathan Lippmann. The Village Party ticket includes incumbent Trustee, Sue Auriemma, with challengers Eileen Cuneo for trustee and Brian Dunning for Village Justice. The Trustees positions are decided by the top two vote getters. Elections will be held March 18 at Munsey Park Village Hall.

TECHNOLOGY: The Board is happy to announce that in addition to the Village’s new website we have also launched a Facebook page so we can better disseminate timely information to our residents directly. The new website again can be found, and the Facebook page at

COPLEY POND REVITILIZATION: We are happy to announce we have successfully worked with the County to have a $30k County Grant reinstated from 2009. In addition we have secured $50k in additional funding from the State to offset the revitalization costs of this project. Those funds, in addition to the MPWC fundraising efforts will allow us to restore the walkway and pond with little to no impact on our Budget.

The Village is excited to work with the Munsey Park Woman’s Club to finalize the plans and begin this restoration project. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the project please feel free to reach out Trustee Haggerty at Any residents that are interested in participating in the campaign can reach out to Erin Cunningham at

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:

Mayor, Frank DeMento (
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty (
Trustee, Sue Auriemma (
Trustee, Patrick Hance (
Trustee, Jennifer Noone (

AuthorVillage Administrator