Incorporated Village of Munsey Park
Board of Trustees Update
September 2014
The Board of Trustees hopes this update finds all The Village residents well, and you’ve enjoyed the end of your summer. The Board didn’t meet in August so we again wanted to update the residents on issues discussed at our September meeting that are currently affecting the Village.
REMEBERANCE: We opened the September meeting with a moment a silence in remembrance for all those families who were affected, and especially to those Village residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. They include Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey Jr. , John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly, and Frank Salvaterra.
VILLAGE SAFETY: The Village is working with community groups and government agencies on multiple fronts to improve traffic and pedestrian safety. We are focused on a) improving community awareness, b) evaluating various traffic calming solutions, c) enacting appropriate policies & laws, and d) increasing enforcement. We welcome residents' input as we continue to work to improve quality of life in the Village.
TREES: The Village will begin planting approximately 25 trees on residents’ properties who requested a tree under the tree replacement campaign.
VILLAGE RIGHT-OF-WAY: In an effort to increase safety within the Village, the Village has been contacting residents who have plantings or other items that block lines of site for drivers or prohibit people walking from avoiding traffic in the street. The Village code states that no items or plantings be placed within the Village Right-of-Way without the approval of the Board of Trustees. During the next Board of Trustees meeting we will further debate the residents and Villages responsibilities in the right-of-way.
WALKWAY TO MUNSEY PARK SCHOOL: Although no official proposal is in front of the Board of Trustees. Dr. Jean Kendall from Munsey Park School was asked to return to the September Board of Trustees meeting and listen to residents’ concerns regarding a possible walkway through Village property. It was first at the June Board of Trustees Meeting that Dr. Kendall approached the board regarding a possible walkway. The school, after unsuccessfully petitioning the state to allow for safety upgrades to the current sidewalk on Northern Blvd asked the Board if it would consider a future proposal. Dr. Kendall was informed the Board would need the following prior to the Board’s consideration:
- Artist rendering of the engineers plan on possible walkway,
- Signed IMA agreement with The Congregational Church with usage details,
- Proposal from a contractor, and
- The appropriate funding guarantees
Although the Board of Education had discussed this proposal during their meeting in an attempt to raise the appropriate funds, they have not officially submitted the plan to the Village Board for its consideration. When and if the school submits the plans it will be up for public debate prior to a vote.
COPLEY POND PROJECT: We continue to be pleased with the progress being made at Copley Park. At the time of this newsletter the walkway will have been completed, the new flagpole, complements of the Munsey Park Women’s Club has been installed, and we will begin landscaping the affected areas. We are currently working on a few dates for the re-opening ceremony and fall festival and are excited for all the families in Munsey Park to come and enjoy the park.
MLWD WATER TOWER REPLACEMENT: The Village continues to work through the judicial process in an attempt to clarify the Village’s and its residents’ rights in regards to the proposed project.
LANDSCAPING AND CONSTRUCTION HOURS: Please be reminded hours of operation for construction or landscaping are from 8am to 6pm Monday through Saturday. There is NO work to be done on Sundays.
VILLAGE VANDALISM: In response to our last update we are happy to announce we’ve had a few of our street signs returned. If your teen just happens to be in possession of one of our street signs we ask that they please return them to Village Hall, during or after office business hours, or leave somewhere our crew can find them, no questions asked.
BEHIND THE HOME REFUSE PICKUP: As a reminder to those residents who are new to the Village. The Village has contracted Meadow Carting to have refuse picked up from behind your homes. If you have large items that need to be left out front for pickup please arrange to have them left at the curb the prior night.
VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.
CONTACTING A TRUSTEE: The members of the Board of Trustees has been elected to listen to you, please fool free to contact any Board Member to discuss concerns or ideas you may have with any aspect of the Village.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 8 at 7:30pm.
For additional information please visit our website at
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:
Mayor, Frank DeMento (
Deputy Mayor, Sean Haggerty (
Trustee, Patrick Hance (
Trustee, John Lippmann (
Trustee, Jennifer Noone (