Dear Residents,

We’ve been informed that the repaving start date has been pushed back two weeks to allow MLWD to properly prepare Park Avenue for the surface repaving work to follow.  Once the repaving work begins, it should move quickly. Access to your driveways will be restricted periodically, first while the old asphalt is stripped off and then when the new asphalt is laid.   We’ll send out more detailed information as we get closer to the start date.

On an unrelated note, we wanted to fill you in on some tree issues.  Last August’s Storm Isaias left some trees vulnerable and damaged. The Village recently completed a pruning project in Waldmann Park to remove many of the storm-damaged or decayed limbs. One noteworthy tree in the Park is an enormous Black Walnut in the northwest corner of the Park that has a split (v-shaped trunk).  One lead of the tree has collapsed into, and is resting upon, the canopy of a nearby Oak tree.  We have been watching this tree with growing concern and have reluctantly come to the conclusion that it is now time to remove this tree.  While we considered removing only the collapsed lead, we are advised that doing so would destabilize the remaining lead.  

Beyond the disappointment of losing such a large tree, the disposal costs to the Village is enormous.  Removing and disposing of a large tree can easily cost thousands of dollars and, to add insult to injury, the remains of the tree ends up in landfills or as firewood.  Fortunately, the Village as reached out to a local furniture maker, Glen Cove- based Sound Designs (on Instragram @sound_designs_ny) who has agreed to accept the trunk of the tree for reuse as fine furniture.  In addition to being a magnificent tree, Black Walnut is a beautiful wood.  We’re glad that Sound Designs can “recycle” this tree into furniture.  Sound Designs will also accept the trunk of the Oak on Ryder Road (just east of MWR) that was decapitated by Isaias.  We expect to have both trees removed this week.  We are never happy to have to remove a tree but we think we found a silver-lining to the situation.  We hope you agree.

Mayor and The Board of Trustees

AuthorMaureen McLean