Dear Residents, 

Set forth below is a brief update on the status of various road and infrastructure projects underway in the Village: 

·   National Grid has completed the gas main work previously undertaken.  Concrete restoration work has begun on the concrete roads impacted by the gas main replacement program.  This work primarily affects the concrete gutters on Allston, Sargent, Remington, Whistler, Homer and Durand.  The Village is also using this as an opportunity to repair or replace broken or deteriorated concrete panels in those same roads. The concrete restoration work will be performed by Northern Masonry Construction Corp., as subcontractor under the National Grid gas line work.  Northern Masonry has worked in the Village previously with good results.  As the work progresses, access to your driveway or walkway may be restricted and access to certain roads may be temporarily limited.  We ask you to follow any safety and work related restrictions so that the work may be completed quickly, safely and to the highest quality.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let Village Hall know. 

·  We expect repaving of the streets affected by the National Grid work to begin next week although the exact schedule is TBD.  This work impacts Trumbull, Bartlett, Martin, Abbey, Hunt, Whistler and Peale.  United Paving and John McGowan and Sons will split the work. Once we have a start date, we will let you know.

·  Re-paving on Park Avenue is awaiting completion of the MLWD water main work.  MLWD is expected to complete connecting homes on Park Avenue to the new water main later this week.  Once that occurs, curb and turf areas will be restored and repaving will begin.  Again, United Paving and John McGowan and Sons will split the work.

·  Finally, in the fun never ends category, National Grid has advised the Village that it intends to replace gas mains on Ryder Road – from Manhasset Woods Road to Thayer Road and on Thayer Road from Ryder to Ridge Crescent.  We are still scoping out this project with NG including the restoration work.  Once we have more details, we will share them with you.  At this point, we expect this work to begin in late July/early August. 

Please let Village Hall know if you have any questions or concerns.  We hope the Summer is off to a great start for you and your families and congratulations to all students graduating this season!

The Mayor and Trustees of the Village of Munsey Park

AuthorMaureen McLean