held on January 8, 2020


PRESENT:                                                                             ABSENT:

Mayor Lawrence A. Ceriello                                                 Deputy Mayor Jennifer Noone

Trustee Antonio D’Angelo

Trustee Joseph Williams                                                                               

Trustee Anthony M. Sabino

Paul Pepper, Morici & Morici, LLP

The Mayor led the Board and those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A Motion to Open the Public Meeting was made by Trustee Sabino, Seconded by Trustee Williams and called to Order by Mayor Larry Ceriello at 7:42 pm.



Mayor Ceriello presented to the Board Local Law #1- 2020 - Override of Tax Levy Limit, Local Law #2 – 2020 - Trespassing in Parks and Local Law #3 – 2020 – Traffic and Parking Regulations. (A transcript of the local laws and adoption is annexed to these minutes and available at Village Hall).


A Motion was made by Trustee Sabino to approve the Minutes of the December 9, 2019 Meeting of the Board of Trustees; said motion was Seconded by Trustee Williams and unanimously approved.


·       Mayor Ceriello reminded residents that boulders are not only dangerous but prohibited in the Right of Way (ROW).  The Right-of-Way is the Village-owned strip of land from the edge of the street back about 10 feet.  Its purpose is to allow the Village to build and maintain the street, curb and gutter and possible underground utilities.  This land is the responsibility of the homeowner but the Village has the right to determine what takes place there.   The Village code generally prohibits the placement of any permanent objects in the ROW.  The Mayor will be sending out a letter reminding homeowners who have boulders on the ROW that the Village will be strictly enforcing the Village Code and the boulders must be removed from their property.  If the resident does not comply in a timely fashion then the Village road crew will be instructed to remove and dispose of the boulders.  In addition, the Mayor will be reaching out to residents to remind them to have their house number visible for medical emergencies (ambulance, fire department) and to assist our Village building inspector.

·       Mayor Ceriello discussed a shared services agreement with the Manhasset Parks District that will enable our Village to use their crack filler machine.  Trustee Sabino made a motion for the Mayor to be given authority on behalf of the Board of Trustees to enter into negotiations and execute the draft of the municipal agreement with the Manhasset Park District for usage of their asphalt/crack sealing machine.  The motion was seconded by Trustee D’Angelo and approved by all.

·       Mayor Cerliello stated that he circulated to the Board two IT proposals for the upgrade of three Village Hall computers and a monthly service protection plan.   The system upgrades will be installed within the next month.

·       Mayor Ceriello announced that a Munsey Park resident undergoing a new home renovation project donated gently used windows and interlocking bricks that will be used to upgrade Village Hall.


·       Trustee D’Angelo announced that he will be looking at the new Nassau County assessment to see if the increase in property value will impact the Munsey Park Tax rate. 

·       Trustee D’Angelo reported that this month’s largest variable was the Road Work Improvement Project.

·       Trustee D’Angelo read aloud the budget transfers, followed by a motion to adjust the May 31, 2019 adopted budget to reflect the transfers in the adjusted budget, seconded by Mayor Ceriello and approved by all.  Such transfers are budget neutral in that they are just a reallocation from one account to another.


·       JUSTICE REPORT: The Monthly Justice Report for December 2019 was presented by Trustee Sabino with total fines assessed in the amount of $9,286.00.

·       POLICE REPORT: The Police Report for November 2019 was presented by Trustee Sabino, stating 3 Auto Accidents, 2 Burglary-Residence, no Burglary-Business, no Robberies, no Larceny-Auto incident, no Larceny (other than auto), no Criminal Mischief incidents and a total of 56 summonses (56 Movers and 0 Parkers). 

·       BUILDING REPORT: The Building Report was presented by Trustee Sabino, stating that between June 1, 2019 and January 6, 2020, a total of 116 permits have been issued totaling $121,100.75 in Building Permit Fees.

There being no further business, a Motion to close the meeting was made by Trustee Sabino and Seconded by Trustee D’Angelo and the meeting was brought to a close at 8:39 pm.

Comments/questions were received from the following residents:

Mr. John Boyle

Dr. Sussi

Mr. Steve Flynn

______________________________                                    ______________________________

                  Lawrence A. Ceriello                                                                     Tara Gibbons

                         Mayor                                                                                     Treasurer/Clerk

AuthorMaureen McLean