October 8, 2014


PRESENT:                                        ABSENT:

Mayor Frank J. DeMento

Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery

Trustee Jennifer Noone                                                    

Trustee Patrick M. Hance

Trustee John Lippmann    

Robert Morici, Village Attorney

Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


MINUTES for the meeting of September 10, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.


CLAIMS for September/October were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $244,459.45.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 


JUSTICE REPORT for September, 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $8,981.78.





WHEREAS, a meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 and the Village Clerk presented to the Board the change Pursuant to Elections Law 15-104(1)(a), if the third Tuesday in March falls on the 17th, the date would be Wednesday, March 18, 2015 with a resolution, and


WHEREAS, the Village pursuant to the Election Law 15-104 (1)(a) will move the Village elections to Wednesday, and


            NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the resolution to approve the Village Election to be held on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, was adopted as follows:


            Mayor Frank J. DeMento                -           Aye

            Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty       -           Aye

            Trustee Patrick Hance                    -           Aye

            Trustee Jennifer Noone                 -           Aye

            Trustee John Lippman                    -           Aye





Mrs. Sica , of the Munsey Park Women’s Club, informed the Board that they will be hosting their annual “Light the Night” on Sunday, December 7, 2014.  The Board approved the event.




Munsey Park Women’s Club is requesting permission from the Board to hold their annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 3:00pm.  The Board approved the event.


634 PARK AVENUE – MRS. LEE           


Mrs. Lee had gone before the Building Advisory Board to obtain a new ruling on the stone on her house.  After discussion, motion made by Trustee Lippman to deny Mrs. Lee’s application and she must replace the stone on her house to the original approved “fieldstone”, seconded by Trustee Noone and approved by all.  Mrs Lee has until December 8, 2014 to comply by removing the stone on her house and replace it with “fieldstone”.




Trustee Noone advised the Board that she has reviewed the parking issue surrounding the school dismissal.  She will change around the location of the “No Parking” signs to allow parking on one side of the street to allow cars facing away from Munsey park School.  This is in an attempt to provide safer conditions for pedestrians and drivers during dismissal.  She hopes to have the parking situation implemented at the beginning of November for a test run.  Mrs. Langner from Durand Place also complained about the parking at the corner of Remington and Hunt.  Parent’s park right up to the stop sign and children crossing cannot see the cars.  Trustee Noone will also look into that situation.




Trustee Lippmann announced that in the future the Board will be reviewing village bonds and looking into financial consultants.




Work is complete at Copley Park Pond and there will be a grand re-opening of the park on Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 2:00pm.  All residents are welcome.


Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee Lippmann, seconded by Trustee Noone and confirmed by all.


__________________________                   __________________________                                  Frank DeMento                                                          Barbara C. Miller

                   Mayor                                                         Village Clerk/Treasurer

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