December 10, 2014
Mayor Frank J. DeMento
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggery
Trustee Jennifer Noone
Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Trustee John Lippmann
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MINUTES for the meeting of November 12, 2014 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for November/December were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $182,866.52. After review, the Board approved all for payment.
JUSTICE REPORT for November, 2014 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $12,553.00.
LOCAL LAW #7 – 2014
Local Law #7 –2014 entitled “A Local Law Amending fees By Adding Driver Responsibility Fee.” The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance, and unanimously carried. Mayor Frank DeMento made the motion to adopt Local Law #7 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)
LOCAL LAW #8 – 2014
Local Law #8 –2014 entitled “A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-C.” The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee Patrick Hance, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone, and unanimously carried. Trustee Patrick Hance made the motion to adopt Local Law #8 – 2014, which was seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)
The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #1 -2015 a new local law entitled “Fees.” The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Frank DeMento to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on January 14, 2015 at 7:30pm, seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried that a public hearing would be scheduled for January 14, 2015 at 7:30 pm on the Local Law #1 - 2015.
Motion made by Mayor Frank DeMento that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Trustee Hance and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall.
The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.
Mr. Adam Figueroa, 443 Park Avenue has bushes along Manhasset Woods Road that was approved in 1998. Since that approval the bushes have grown beyond the three foot height. After discussion, the Board approved to keep the bushes at present height, but cut back bushes on Park back to Blue Spruce. Mr. Figueroa has until March 30, 2015 to complete.
Dr. Garvin, 9 Waldo, is appealing the decision of the BAC concerning the continuance of the siding to the garage. After discussion, the Board approved the siding to include the garage.
The residents of 761 Park Avenue appeared before the Board for approval of the grade change to their backyard. The Board approved the grading and requested that the applicant submit 8 setss of drawings for the Building Advisory Committee.
331 & 339 PARK AVENUE - TREE
Mr. Thompson spoke to the Board concerning a tree on his property that he wants to prune, but his neighbor wants it removed. Trustee Hance is looking into obtaining an independent arborist to inspect the tree.
Architect, Jeffrey Diehl, appeared to appeal the decision of the BAC concerning casement windows and a Juliet balcony. After review of the architect’s submission, the Board approved the new casement windows, but denied the Juliet balcony.
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty explained to the Board, that the company that was hired by the Village has been able to produce documentation that Cablevision owes the Village additional gross/franchise fees. Cablevision has agreed to settle with the Village of Munsey Park for $6,000.00. The Village Attorney will produce a “Settlement and Release” document for the Mayor to sign. Motion to accept Cablevision settlement approved by Deputy Mayor Haggerty, seconded by Mayor DeMento and approved by all.
Trustee Lippmann explained the Village is exploring hiring bond counsel for the refinancing of the Villages’ existing bond and engineers for road improvements. In order for the Village to recapture any resources spent on bond counsel and engineering fees prior to the bonds being refinanced or issued, the Village must adopt a resolution to do so.
WHEREAS, a meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 and that the Board of Trustees would like to hire bond counsel to review the Village bonds outstanding and engineers for the road improvement, and
WHEREAS, the Village would spend up to $150,000 towards the bond counsel and engineering fees, and
WHEREAS, the Village would be reimbursed for any fees incurred by bond counsel and engineers under any future bonds that would be issued within a twenty-four month time, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the resolution to approve the hiring of the Bond Counsel and Village Engineers not to exceed $150,000 and to recapture by any future bond funds, was adopted as follows:
Mayor Frank J. DeMento - Aye
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty - Aye
Trustee Patrick Hance - Aye
Trustee Jennifer Noone - Aye
Trustee John Lippman - Aye
Motion to go into executive section made by Mayor DeMento, seconded by Trustee Noone and confirmed by all.
__________________________ __________________________ Frank J. DeMento Barbara C. Miller
Mayor Village Clerk/Treasurer