January 9, 2013


  • Mayor Harry Nicolaides
  • Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk
  • Trustee Sheila Brennan
  • Trustee Susan Auriemma 
  • Trustee Peter Puttre
  • James A. Bradley, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


  • None

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m

MINUTES for the meeting of December 12, 2012 were approved as corrected.

CLAIMS for November/December were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $132,193.96.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for December 2012 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $8,130.00.

POLICE REPORT for November 2012 was distributed to the Board.  During the month of November, the following activity was noted:

  • 4 Auto Accidents
  • 2 Aided Cases
  • 0 Burglary
  • 0 Robbery
  • Larceny
  • Summonses (VTL 19, Parkers 20)


The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #1- 2013 a new local law entitled “A Local Law to Increase the Penalties for Parking Offenses.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Harry Nicolaides, seconded by Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk and unanimously carried that a public hearing would be scheduled for February 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm on the Local Law #1 -2013.

Motion made by Trustee Susan Auriemma that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk and unanimously carried.  A copy is available at the Village Hall.

The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.


The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #2- 2013 a new local law entitled “A Local Law to Override the Tax Levy Limit Established in General Municipal Law 3-C.”  The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Harry Nicolaides to hold a public hearing for the purpose of adopting such local law on February 13, 2013 at 7:00pm, seconded by Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk.  Mayor Nicolaides, deputy Mayor Jaronczyk, Trustee Puttre and Trustee Auriemma voted Aye.  Trustee Brennan was a nay.   A public hearing will be scheduled for February 13, 2013 at 7:00 pm on the Local Law #2 -2013.

Motion made by Trustee Susan Auriemma that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEQRA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board make a negative declaration under SEQRA, was seconded by Mayor Harry Nicolaides, and approved by Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk, Trustee Puttre and Trustee Auriemma. Trustee Brennan was a nay. A copy is available at the Village Hall.

The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEQRA determination to the Nassau County Planning Commission as required by §239-m of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.


The Village clerk informed the Mayor & Board of Trustees that the house at 80 Bellows had been sold.  The adjoining property has also been sold pending approval of a sub-division.  The contractor vendee has picked up the application, but the fees need to be decided by the Board of Trustees.  On a motion by Mayor Harry Nicolaides, seconded by Deputy Albert T. Jaronczyk to approve the filing fee as $3,000 per proposed lot to be created and the deposit fee as $10,000 per proposed lot to be created and unanimously carried.



The Mayor announced that he received a letter from Francis J. Coughlin, Jr. resigning as the Acting Judge for the Village.


The Village Clerk announced that Mr. & Mrs. William D’Antonio will be the village inspectors again for the village election for March 19, 2013 at a cost of $90.00 per day per person.  On a motion made by Mayor Harry Nicolaides, seconded by Trustee Sheila Brennan to approve Mr. & Mrs. D’Antonio as the election inspectors and confirmed by all.


Trustee Sheila Brennan advised the Board that the Tree Committee consists of three members and there must be three votes in favor for a resident to take down a tree.  It would be helpful, if there were four members and yet, three votes would continue to be needed to approve a tree permit.  Having four members would also be helpful, if any member is on vacation or unavailable.  The Board will entertain any names of individuals as candidates to serve on the Tree Committee.


Residents have been calling concerning the aerator at Copley Pond.  They would like to skate on the pond and at the moment with the aerator, they can not.  The Village Attorney will call the Village insurance company on this.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:35pm.


Harry Nicolaides

Barbara C. Miller

AuthorJeff Franchetti