December 12, 2012


  • Mayor Harry Nicolaides
  • Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk
  • Trustee Sheila Brennan
  • Trustee Susan Auriemma
  • Trustee Peter Puttre
  • James A. Bradley, Village Attorney
  • Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer


  • None

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m

MINUTES for the meeting of November 14, 2012 were approved as corrected.

CLAIMS for November/December were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $182,096.10.  After review, the Board approved all for payment.

JUSTICE REPORT for November 2012 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $5,045.00

POLICE REPORT for October 2012 was distributed to the Board. During the month of October, the following activity was noted:

  • Auto Accidents 3
  • Aided Cases 12
  • Burglary 1
  • Robbery 0
  • Larceny 2
  • Summonses VTL 34 Parkers   37


Len Schaier spoke to the Board of Trustees on helicopter and airline noise on the North Shore route.  He has established a web site www.quietskies.net.  He spoke about the slow progress of trying to redesign flight patterns and having the airlines accountable for the noise.  He will be meeting next month with all the Mayors in the area concerning this dilemma.


Village Arborist, Rich Gibney, spoke to the Board about his report to the Village on the village trees that need to be removed or pruned.  He also suggested that if a resident is concerned about their trees and wants to remove them, that the Board should consider having the resident replace the tree.  The replacement should be a caliber of a minimum of 2 to 3 inches.  It is also important especially for the next newsletter to again advise the residents to put flowers around the bases of the trees as well as mulch.  Deborah Miller, Chairwoman for the Tree Committee, requested that the list of acceptable trees be given to the resident with the approved tree permit.  The Mayor asked Rich Gibney about the cost to replace trees that were destroyed in the hurricane.  A 2 to 3 ft tree would be about $500 with a 5 to 6 foot tree costing about $700.00.  The Mayor advised the Village Clerk to have the 2013 tentative budget increase the tree line item to $20,000 for pruning and $15,000 for planting for a total of $35,000.


The Village Attorney advised the Board that Mr. Goldrick has still not moved the trees required in the resolution and his agreement with the Village.  Rich Gibney, Village Arborist, advised the Board that Mr. Goldrick should move the trees now before the frost.  The Village Attorney will contact Mr. Goldrick’s attorney.


Mr. Jim Gilhooly, architect for 194 Ryder Road requested to speak to the Board concerning the BAC decision dated November 27, 2012.  He showed a model of the new house to be built and the portico that the BAC rejected.  The Board also agreed that the portico had problems, but that it was more important that this be worked out with the BAC especially since it appeared that the applicant has a new alternative that was not presented to the BAC.  Since the BAC members were also in attendance, the Mayor requested everyone get together and come to an amicable solution.


A letter was sent to the Mayor and Board of Trustees from Brian J. Morris, Chairman o f the Manhasset-Lake Water District.  The District has decided to table the previously discussed Park Avenue Water Main Replacement Project indefinitely.  The Mayor takes issue with the verbiage in the letter “unreasonable expense for District taxpayers”.


The prosecuting attorney, Michele Prior, has requested that the parking fines in the Village be increased to $1000.00.  After discussion, Mayor Harry Nicolaides made a motion to approve the increase of the parking fines to a maximum of $750.00, seconded by Deputy Mayor Albert T. Jaronczyk and approved by all.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:05pm.


Harry Nicolaides

       Barbara C. Miller

AuthorJeff Franchetti