MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY:  On Monday, May 28, the Village will have a Memorial Day ceremony at Waldmann Park at 9am.  The Park was named after Lt. George Waldmann, who in 1943, was the first resident of Munsey Park to die at war. The park was originally dedicated to Waldmann on Memorial Day in 1946, 72 years ago. This event is being spearheaded by local resident Greg LiCalzi Jr., who has lost his brother Mike to the Iraq War.  The ceremony will begin at 9am with the singing of the National Anthem.  Please join us prior to attending the Plandome Road parade in town as we pay tribute to the Munsey Park residents who lost their lives so we can live our lives freely.  

ROAD BIDS FOR HAWTHORNE/EAKINS:  Five bids were received for the Hawthorne/Eakins Road improvement project.  The Board will review and vote on a contractor for the project during a special board meeting on Tuesday, May 22.  Following the selection of a contractor, the time period for the date of construction will be determined.  The Village will be in direct contact with the Hawthorne/North Eakins residents affected by the upcoming construction.  

NATIONAL GRID UPGRADES:  The gas line upgrades on Park Avenue and various streets are almost complete.  National Grid has provided us with the following update:
•    All new gas main has been installed and “gassed in”.  This means there is gas in the new main, as well as the old main.
•    Service transfers are underway (switching gas service from old main to new main).
•    34 service transfers remain (as of 5/5/2018).  All services on Strickland are complete, 2 services remain on Burnham and the balance of service transfers remains on Park.
•    There is approximately 3 weeks of additional work.
•    After service transfers are completed, one more tie-in will take place, retiring the old main and permanent restoration will follow shortly after that.  Temporary patches will be dug out and then fully restored as per the permit stipulations.

MPWC KIDS FUN RUN: Mark your calendars for the 9th annual MPWC Kids Fun Run and Fair which will take place Saturday, June 2 between 9am – 10:30am.  The beneficiary of the event will be SCA Project Share, which will use the monies raised to purchase basic items for economically at-risk students at the Manhasset schools.  The race will begin and end at Polliwog Pond.  Please contact Alecia Dalessio at for questions regarding sponsorship or registration.  

REPLACEMENT TREES:  During May, the Village planted approximately 18 specimen white oaks and zelkova trees on the right of way throughout the Village.  We anticipate continuing the replanting program in the fall.  If you would like to be placed on the list for new Right-of-Way trees during the fall, please contact Village Hall.  We expect to place orders for the trees in August/September with a replanting date after the first frost in the autumn. 

VILLAGE ENTRANCES:  The Village has begun to prepare the sites for new entrance plantings on Manhasset Woods Road (at Northern Blvd.), Park Avenue (both ends) and Copley Place.  We expect the replanting to be completed by Memorial Day.

TOWN OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD YARD WASTE REMINDER:  All lawn and garden waste must be placed “loose” in containers (not to exceed 32 gallons) or alternatively, in paper recycled bags.  The Town will no longer accept lawn and garden waste in plastic bags.  Paper bags are available at Village Hall.  Please make every effort to comply with these new rules.  If you have any questions, please let us know. 

VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees. 

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be a special meeting to vote on the road bids that were submitted for the Hawthorne/Eakins road improvement project on Tuesday, May 22 at 7:30pm.  Our June meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 13 at 7.30pm.

For additional information please visit our website at 

Mayor                       Frank DeMento           
Deputy Mayor          Jennifer Noone                 
Trustee                      Larry Ceriello                 
Trustee                      Antonio D’Angelo        
Trustee                      Anthony Michael Sabino

AuthorMaureen McLean