Spring is finally here. The Village would like to take this opportunity to update our residents. If any resident has additional questions, please contact Tara or Maureen at Village Hall.
VILLAGE FINANCES: The board approved the final budget for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2019. The final budget is available on the Village website. The budget includes no tax increase and has budgeted for village plantings and maintenance.
VILLAGE APPOINTMENTS: The following appointments were made at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on April 10, 2018: Jennifer Noone was sworn in as Deputy Mayor; Antonio D’Angelo was sworn in as Trustee; Anthony M. Sabino was sworn in as Trustee; John Turano was sworn in as Village Justice; Patricia Miller was appointed Associate Justice; Tara Gibbons was appointed Clerk / Treasurer; Maureen Mclean was appointed Deputy Clerk / Court Clerk; Robert Morici was appointed Village Attorney; Laura Dilimetin was appointed Village Prosecutor; Anthony DiProperzio was appointed Building Inspector; and Joseph Russo was appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals. The website has been updated to reflect updates to the Village committees.
COMMERCIAL TRAFFIC: As a result of the increase of construction and improvements in the northern part of Manhasset and Port Washington area, there has been an increase of commercial traffic throughout the Village, particularly on Manhasset Woods Road to and from Northern Blvd. Commercial traffic vehicles navigate through our Village, while they should be using Northern Blvd and Port Washington Blvd to reach destinations in Flower Hill, Plandome and Port Washington. Commercial through traffic is not permitted in our Village. To control the flow of commercial vehicles in the Village, residents should notify Village Hall of any companies that repeatedly use our streets as a cut through. Your help in this matter is appreciated.
SCA FAIR: The SCA fair will be held on May 5, 2018 from 10am-5pm. Please be aware of the parking restrictions on Village streets. The Village will be assisting the SCA in parking and traffic enforcement. This is a great day in our Village, so please come out and support the SCA on this special day. The success of the fair relies on the many volunteers from our community. If any resident would like to volunteer or make a donation to sponsor this event, you may reach out to Claudine Fini or Annie Yeung at manhassetscafair@gmail.com.
ELECTION: Village Elections are complete, Justice Turano was re-elected as Village Justice for a four-year term, Jennifer Noone was re-elected as Trustee and Anthony Michael Sabino as Trustee, each will serve a two-year term. The new term started on April 1 and each Trustee was sworn in at Tuesday night’s meeting. A total of 567 residents came out to vote. Thank you to all of the residents that turned out for the election.
DOG CONTROL: Dogs must be restrained. Village ordinances require that dogs not be permitted to "commit a nuisance" on private property or in any public place. Please curb your dog.
SAFETY: Please continue to be diligent as we move into the spring and call 911 with any suspicious activity around the Village. As the weather warms up, please travel slowly on Village roads and be aware of children and pedestrians enjoying our streets and parks. Traffic safety and awareness starts with us and sets an example for others traveling through our Village.
VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, May 9 at 7:30pm.
For additional information please visit our website at www.munseypark.org.
Mayor Frank DeMento fdemento@munseypark.org
Deputy Mayor Jennifer Noone jnoone@munseypark.org
Trustee Larry Ceriello lceriello@munseypark.org
Trustee Antonio D’Angelo adangelo@munseypark.org
Trustee Anthony Michael Sabino amsabino@munseypark.org