June Board Of Trustees Update
Board of Trustees Update
Dear residents, we take this opportunity to keep you informed of some happenings and future projects in our Village. If any resident has additional questions, please contact Village Hall. We remind you that school is out, please drive carefully. Have a safe July Fourth Holiday.
The term of the Village Clerk has expired and the Village Board of Trustees has initiated the search for a well-qualified candidate. In general, the candidate should have strong customer service, finance, organizational and computer skills and be able to contribute to a more user-friendly environment for the residents of the Village. The position offers a pension, healthcare and a 9am - 4pm workday. Preference will be given to Munsey Park residents. If you are interested, please send a resume and salary requirements to Paul Pepper at ppepper@moricilaw.com.
Village taxes are due no later than July 3 without penalty. Village Hall hours are listed below.
The Village recently executed a new five-year garbage removal contract with Meadow Carting. Meadow has served our Village for many years and, in addition to being the lowest responsible bidder, is familiar with Munsey Park strict rules regarding garbage. Each year Meadow removes an average of approximately 1.75 tons of garbage from each home in the Village, excluding yard waste and recyclables. As part of the contract and in compliance with Village laws, the garbage must be removed from behind the house. In other words, garbage is not to be left at the curb. We pay extra for rear door pick up. Please do not leave garbage or trash at the curb. This is unsightly, is rude to your neighbors and is against the law. In response to an increase in complaints about garbage left at the curb, the Village will soon be sending warning letters to homeowners who violate the Village Code in this regard.
The Village received four bids from various contractors for the repaving and improvement of Inness Place. The official bids are posted on the Village website. The Board reviewed the bids with the road engineer and decided on a contractor. Road work should begin sometime in July. The Village will notify residents of the specific time periods of construction on the website once the contractor informs us of a start date. Please watch out for road closures during this time and be careful when driving in this area during construction.
The Village has been working with the Munsey Park Women's Club to complete the
beautification of Waldmann Memorial Park. The Village has put the project out to bid and the beautification plans are posted on the Village website. Bids are due at the end of the month and the Board will review the bids and decide which contractor to use for the project.
To decrease the congestion on our streets and increase safety for our children, the Village has put the walkway project out to bid. The walkway will allow parents to park at the Congregational Church and walk their children to school. The plans will be posted shortly on the Village website. The Board will review the bids and decide which contractor to use for the project.
Village Hall will be open Monday through Thursday from 9am - 4pm and close at 12 pm on Fridays, from June 30 - September 1.
Our Village is driven by residents volunteering for different positions. If you have a desire to get involved on any of the Village Boards, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.
The next Board of Trustees meeting will be Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 7:30pm.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:
Mayor Frank DeMento fdemento@munseypark.org
Deputy Mayor John Lippmann jlippmann@munseypark.org
Trustee Larry Ceriello lceriello@munseypark.org
Trustee Patrick Hance phance@munseypark.org
Trustee Jennifer Noone jnoone@munseypark.org