Board of Trustees Update
Dear residents, we take this opportunity to keep you informed of some happenings and future projects in our Village. If any resident has additional questions, please contact our clerks Barbara or Maureen at Village Hall. Please have a safe Memorial Day Weekend.
In an effort to combine municipal services and save capital for the Village, the Village has accepted the Village of Flower Hill's gracious offer to sweep Village streets this Saturday (weather permitting) May 27, 2017. The sweeping will begin on Manhasset Woods Road and Park Ave west, then into the western section side streets and the eastern side of the Village. Please keep your cars off the street, if possible.
With regard to the newly created position of Village Administrator, current village employee Dan Breen has declined the appointment to the position and will continue in his capacity as member of the Village's Utility Crew. The Village Board of Trustees will continue its search for a well-qualified candidate, in an effort to increase efficiency within the Village, decrease delays in certain Village business, present an overall cost savings to the Village and in general to contribute to a more user-friendly environment for the residents of the Village.
Bids for a new garbage contract were solicited and due by March 31. Four bidders responded within the period set forth in the RFP. The lowest, responsible bidder was Meadow Carting (the current service provider to the residents) and the Village accepted the five (5) year proposal by Meadow. The Village is finalizing the new contract with Meadow and expects the contract to be in place when the current contract expires on May 31.
The Village received four bids from various contractors for the repaving of Inness Place. The official bids are posted to the Village website. The Board will review the bids with the road engineer and decide which contractor to use for the project.
The Appellate Division affirmed the Supreme Court's judgment declaring that the Code of the Village of Munsey Park does not apply to the proposed construction plan of the MLWD's new water tower and that the proposed construction plan is a Type II action not subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act. The Village anticipates an improved inter-municipal relationship between the Village and the Water District moving forward.
Many roads in the Village are narrow and can not accommodate parking on both sides of the street. Please be aware where you and your visitors park in the Village. When possible, please park on one side of the street so Village roads stay clear in case of an emergency. Parking on both sides of the street blocks the flow of traffic and impedes large vehicles from traveling on the street, especially emergency vehicles.
Village Hall will close at 12 pm on Friday, May 26 and will be closed on Monday, May 29 in observance of Memorial Day.
Our Village is driven by residents volunteering for different positions. If you have a desire to get involved on any of the Village Boards, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.
So that all of our trustees may be available, our next meeting has been changed to Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:30pm.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:
Mayor Frank DeMento
Deputy Mayor John Lippmann
Trustee Larry Ceriello
Trustee Patrick Hance
Trustee Jennifer Noone