Incorporated Village of Munsey Park
Board of Trustees Update March 24, 2015
The Board of Trustees hopes this update finds everyone well. With the beginning of spring finally upon us, the Board is busy getting to work on assessing our roads, finalizing our 2016 Budget, and refining our road bonds. Please take a moment to read this update as there are some important issues and upcoming dates residents should be aware of.
VILLAGE ELECTIONS: On March 18th the Village held elections for Mayor and two Trustee positions. Sean Haggerty was elected Mayor, Frank Demento and Patrick Hance were elected Trustees. Each will be sworn in during the April 15th meeting and serve a two year term. The Board of Trustees would like to thank Mayor Demento for his service during his term and are looking forward to working with residents in our new posts. The Village would also like to thank all of the residents who came out to vote.
SUBDIVISION 80 BELLOWS: On March 6, 2015, the Supreme Court of the State of New York denied the Dorris Moffitt Dailey 2001 Revocable Trust Article 78 petition, thereby upholding The Village of Munsey Park’s denial of the partition application.
TRAFFIC AND SAFETY: In response to numerous complaints regarding the new “No Turn on Red” sign on the NW corner of Manhasset Woods Road and Northern Boulevard, the Village has reached out to the NYSDOT for a proper explanation. After reviewing the work order and speaking to the DOT, it is clear that the Village was not contacted prior to installation as the DOT believed the intersection resided in the unincorporated TONH property. We agree with residents that the unintended consequences of the sign are far more dangerous than the intersection was. We hope to have a full report for concerned residents during our next Board meeting on April 15th.
ROAD BONDS: During our March meeting the Board approved resolutions related to road bonds. We plan to take advantage of the fact that the original bonds were issued for a shorter period than is allowed, and of lower interest rates, to refinance those bonds, and borrow an additional $250,000 for road work, while holding our annual debt service at the same level. We expect to move forward with the bond transactions later this spring.
2016 BUDGET INFO: At our next meeting, the Board will adopt a budget for the fiscal year starting June 1, 2015. We currently have revenue and expenses of approximately $1.9mm per year. Despite the Villages fixed costs, including trash removal and employee related costs continuing to rise; we are focused on keeping the overall costs to residents as low as possible while continuing to deliver the services we all enjoy. With that said, we continue to work with other local municipalities researching possible savings ideas.
VILLAGE COMMITTEES: The Board of Trustees would like to thank Kelly Towers for her time on the Tree Committee. Kelly has served for the past two years and the Board appreciates the time and energy she brought to her post.
VOLUNTEERS: If any residents have a desire to get involved with the Village, please reach out to Mayor DeMento or any of the other Trustees.
NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 15th at 7:30pm.
For additional information please visit our website at
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact any of the trustees:
Mayor Frank DeMento
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
Trustee Patrick Hance
Trustee John Lippmann
Trustee Jennifer Noone