held on Wednesday April 14, 2021

Via Teleconference

PRESENT:                                                                         ABSENT:

Mayor Lawrence A. Ceriello                                     

Deputy Mayor Antonio D’Angelo

Trustee Regina Im                                                                             

Trustee Greggory LiCalzi Jr.

Trustee Joseph Williams

Robert Morici, Morici & Morici, LLP

Paul Pepper, Morici & Morici, LLP


Mayor Ceriello led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

 A Motion to Open the Public Meeting was made by Trustee Williams, Seconded by Deputy Mayor D’Angelo and called to Order by Mayor Ceriello at 7:34 pm.


 A motion to approve the minutes for the March 10, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting was made by Deputy Mayor D’Angelo, Seconded by Trustee Im and approved by all.


Newly elected Mayor Lawrence A. Ceriello, Deputy Mayor Antonio D’Angelo and Trustee Joseph P. Williams took the oath of office administered by Robert Morici, Village Attorney,



The application for regrading at 252 Eakins Road (subject to confirmation by the Village engineer that there will be no drainage or water issues to the Baker’s neighboring properties) was moved by Trustee Williams, seconded by Trustee LiCalzi and approved as follows:

Mayor Larry Ceriello:             AYE

Deputy Antonio D’Angelo:    AYE

Trustee Regina Im:                 AYE

Trustee Greg LiCalzi:             AYE

Trustee Joseph Williams:        AYE


The application to approve stone on the front façade of the home at 41 Waldo Lane and not on the sides and rear elevations was moved by Trustee Williams, seconded by Trustee D’Angelo and approved as follows:

Mayor Larry Ceriello:             AYE

Deputy Antonio D’Angelo:    AYE

Trustee Regina Im:                 AYE

Trustee Greg LiCalzi:             AYE

Trustee Joseph Williams:        AYE


The application to override the BAC and approve to close the kitchen window at 90 Abbey Road from the interior and maintain the existing window from the outside was moved by Trustee LiCalzi, seconded by Deputy Mayor D’Angelo and approved as follows:

Mayor Larry Ceriello:             AYE

Deputy Antonio D’Angelo:    AYE

Trustee Regina Im:                 AYE

Trustee Greg LiCalzi:             AYE

Trustee Joseph Williams:        AYE

 The Mayor noted that the layout of the Franchetti’s kitchen is unique and reminded the resident’s architect, Laura Casale that this decision is not to serve as a precedent as the Board looks at each application based on its own individual merit. 


Transcript available at Village Hall


 Mayor Ceriello moves into the annual meeting by reading the following appointments and resolutions:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to §4-400 of the Village Law of the State of New York, The Board of Trustees approves the following appointments by the Mayor:

MAUREEN MCLEAN be re-appointed DEPUTY CLERK for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April, 2022;

ANTHONY DiPROPERZIO be re-appointed BUILDING INSPECTOR, for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April, 2022;

PATRICIA MILLER be re-appointed ACTING VILLAGE JUSTICE, for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April, 2022;

ROBERT MORICI be re-appointed VILLAGE ATTORNEY for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April, 2022;

MAIME FULGIERI be re-appointed VILLAGE PROSECUTOR for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April, 2022;

PETER ALBINSKI, AIA, be appointed VILLAGE ARCHITECT for a term of one (1) year, expiring the first Monday of April, 2022;

JAMES ANTONELLI, P.E., be re-appointed VILLAGE ENGINEER for a term of one (1) year, expiring the first Monday of April, 2022;

RICHARD WEIR be re-appointed VILLAGE ARBORIST for a term of one (1) year, expiring the first Monday of April, 2022

ANDREW CRONSON be re-appointed VILLAGE HISTORIAN for a term of one (1) year, expiring the first Monday of April 2022;

TARA KIRKWOOD be re-appointed to the Board of Zoning and Appeals for a five year term expiring the first Monday of April, 2026;

JOSEPH RUSSO be re-appointed to the Board of Zoning and Appeals for a four year term expiring the first Monday of April, 2025;

JOY SUSSI and JOANIE TOTH, Co-Chairs, MARK HAYES, KATHERINE PROKOP, and DANIELLE KAUL be appointed to the VILLAGE BUILDING ADVISORY COMMITTEE for a one (1) year, expiring the first Monday of April, 2022.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the firm of SATTY, LEVINE & CIACCO, CPA’s, be re-appointed to provide accounting services and the Village’s annual audit, for a term of one (1) year, expiring on the first Monday of April, 2022;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the MANHASSET PRESS, a newspaper published in Manhasset, Town of North Hempstead, New York, be and hereby is designated as

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Investment Policy is updated to reflect that the First National Bank of Long Island will remain the Village’s Official Bank;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the First National Bank of Long Island is hereby designated as the OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY for the current official year and that the Clerk/Treasurer be authorized to deposit funds as outlined in the Investment Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on January 14, 1987 and amended June 12, 1996; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Accounting Policy that all bills are reviewed by Trustee Antonio D’Angelo and all accounting entries are reviewed by Vito Belcastro, of Cullen & Danowski, LLP., Certified Public Accountants, for any adjustments and reconciliation;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all meetings of the Village Board of Trustees shall begin at 7:30p.m.; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Meeting dates for the forthcoming Official Year are as follows:

May 12, 2021

June 9, 2021

July 14, 2021

August – No Meeting

September 8, 2021

October 13, 2021

November 10, 2021

December 8, 2021

January 12, 2022

February 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

April 13, 2022

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Zoning & Appeals (BZA) meetings shall be held as needed on the Third Monday of the month and begin at 7:00p.m.;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees has determined that attendance by certain municipal officers and employees at one or more meetings during the coming official year will benefit the municipality and the Clerk/Treasurer or Deputy Clerk/Court Clerk be, and hereby is authorized to attend the regular meetings of their respective State, county and local associations; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the member of the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Mayor and the Board of Trustees are authorized to attend any training schools as required or deemed appropriate;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Justice and Acting Village Justice are authorized to attend State or County continuing Judicial Education Programs; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Building Inspector is authorized to attend the annual State Building Officials Conference; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees shall approve reimbursement to such officers or employees for actual expenses and/or for mileage at the rate per mile set by the Internal Revenue Service for travel in their personal automobiles to these meetings, schools and conferences.

A Motion to approve the annual appointments was made by Deputy Mayor D’Angelo, Seconded by Trustee LiCalzi and approved by all.

AUDIT MAY 31, 2020

Deputy Mayor D’Angelo presented the May 31, 2021 audited financial statements.  A Motion to approve the draft 2021 audit was made by Trustee Williams, seconded by Mayor Ceriello and approved by all.



Mayor Ceriello gave a brief update on the 2021 Road Project which is occurring on three phases:

Phase One – Eastern End of Park Avenue which is currently well under way.

Phase Two – Gas mains have been installed to the Whistler, Remington, Hunt, Abbey sections of the Village.  Currently National Grid is making individual gas connections to the homes.  Paving will commence once the connections are complete.

Phase Three – Western End of Park Avenue.  Manhasset Lakeville Water District is installing a new water main form Manhasset Woods Road to Ridge Crescent.  MLWD is also replacing fire hydrants on the eastern end of MWR to the end of Park Avenue. 

Jim Antonelli, Village Engineer, is preparing the bid books for the pavement of the central section of Park Avenue.  The Mayor believes, if all goes as scheduled, pavement should be sometime in June.  Once all three phases are complete the Village streets will be swept by Dejana Corporation. 


Trustee LiCalzi volunteered to investigate the Munsey Park Code vs. other Village’s codes regarding restrictions of sheds i.e., height/width/privacy/lot/set back and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees based on his findings. 


 A motion was made to approve the contract of John McGowan & Sons of See Cliff, NY for the lowest recorded bid of $215,960 by Trustee Im, seconded by Trustee Williams and approved as follows:

Mayor Larry Ceriello:             AYE

 Deputy Antonio D’Angelo:    AYE

 Trustee Regina Im:                 AYE

 Trustee Greg LiCalzi:             AYE

 Trustee Joseph Williams:        AYE


Trustee D’Angelo presented the following budget transfers:

A.1110.0410 LEGAL SUPPLIES 1,000.00

A.1325.0410 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00

 A.1325.0450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 2,000.00

 A.1440.0400 ENGINEER 5,000.00

 A.1620.0210 IMPROVEMENTS 877.00

 A.1910.0400 MUNICIPAL INS/UMBRELLA 2,652.00



 A.7110.0410 PARKS & GROUNDS SUPPLIES 3,000.00

 A.7110.0440 P.I. SERVICES- WATER/ELECTRIC 3,000.00

 A.8560.0400 VILLAGE TREES - PLANTING 6,000.00

 A.9055.0800 DISABILITY INSURANCE 250.00

 A.9065.0800 MCTMT TAX 100.00

A.9710.0700 INTEREST (15,250.00)

 A.5110.0440 YARD (32,629.00)

 A motion was made to approve the budget transfers by Trustee LiCalzi, seconded by Trustee Im and approved by all.



 POLICE REPORT: The Police Report for February 2021was presented by Trustee Williams, stating 1 Auto Accidents, no Burglary-Residence, no Burglary-Business, no Robberies, no Larceny-Auto incident, two Larceny (other than auto), one Criminal Mischief incidents and a total of 9 summonses (9 Movers and 0 Parkers). 

 JUSTICE REPORT: The Monthly Justice Report for March 2021 was presented by Trustee Williams with total fines assessed in the amount of $2,371.00.

 BUILDING REPORT: The Building Report was presented by Trustee Williams, stating that between June 1, 2020 and April 12, 2021, a total of 200 permits have been issued totaling $186,769.50 in Building Permit Fees.

 Motion to close the Board of Trustees meeting was made by Trustee Williams, seconded by Trustee Im and approved by all at 8:43 PM.

 Questions/Comments were received from the following resident:


______________________________                                    ______________________________

                  Lawrence A. Ceriello                                                                     Tara Gibbons

                         Mayor                                                                                     Treasurer/Clerk

AuthorMaureen McLean