held on Wednesday, March 10, 2021







PRESENT VIA ZOOM:                                                                               ABSENT:

Mayor Lawrence A. Ceriello                                     

Deputy Mayor Antonio D’Angelo

Trustee Regina Im                                                                             

Trustee Greggory LiCalzi Jr.

Trustee Joseph Williams

Robert Morici, Morici & Morici, LLP

Paul Pepper, Morici & Morici, LLP


A Motion to Open the Public Meeting was made by Deputy Mayor D’Angelo, Seconded by Trustee Williams and called to Order by Mayor Ceriello at 7:33 pm.


 A motion to approve the minutes for the Tuesday, February 9, 2021 of Trustees meeting was made by Trustee LiCalzi, Seconded by Trustee Im and approved by all.



A motion was made Mayor Ceriello to approve the 11th Annual Kids Charity Fun Run and Fair on Saturday, June 5, 2021, seconded by Deputy Mayor D’Angelo and approved by all.


The Mayor reminded the Board that the Village Election will be held on Tuesday, March 16th from noon to 9 PM.


The Mayor announced that Amy Urban, Munsey Park Village Architect has resigned and thanked her for her time working with the Village’s Building Advisory Committee (BAC).  The Mayor will be speaking with Anthony DiProperzio, Village Code Enforcement Officer, and Joy Susi, Chairperson - BAC, regarding the process of selecting candidates and filling this position.


Deputy Mayor D’Angelo reported that the Village is currently running on budget and highlighted notable monthly expense items for electrical work, salt delivery, engineering fees and truck repairs. He also stated that the current year’s budget transfers will be recorded at the next Board of Trustees meeting.  In addition, the Village has submitted the FEMA application to receive reimbursement for funds used to cover damage caused by Tropical Storm Isaias. 


·         POLICE REPORT: The Police Report for January 2021.was presented by Trustee Williams, stating 1 Auto Accidents, no Burglary-Residence, no Burglary-Business, no Robberies, no Larceny-Auto incident, two Larceny (other than auto), no Criminal Mischief incidents and a total of 19 summonses (17 Movers and 2 Parkers). 

·         JUSTICE REPORT: The Monthly Justice Report for February 2021 was presented by Trustee Williams with total fines assessed in the amount of $735.

·         BUILDING REPORT: The Building Report was presented by Trustee Williams, stating that between June 1, 2020 and March 9, 2021, a total of 178 permits have been issued totaling $163,341.50 in Building Permit Fees.


Deputy Mayor D’Angelo reported that he met with Genetec, a company that provides video management systems which enables organizations to utilize a surveillance system.   The impetus of this meeting was to educate and explore the use of surveillance technology to assist and manage security in the Village.   The Board will continue to explore various security programs and initiatives in the coming months. 

Motion to close the Board of Trustees meeting was made by Mayor Ceriello, seconded by Trustee LiCalzi and approved by all at 8:14 PM.

 Questions/Comments were received from the following resident:



______________________________                                    ______________________________

                  Lawrence A. Ceriello                                                                     Tara Gibbons

                         Mayor                                                                                     Treasurer/Clerk

AuthorMaureen McLean