held on May 8, 2019


Mayor Lawrence A. Ceriello

Deputy Mayor Jennifer Noone

Trustee Antonio D’Angelo

Trustee Anthony M. Sabino

Trustee Joseph Williams

Robert Morici, Morici & Morici, LLP

Paul Pepper, Morici & Morici, LLP

The reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, said by all.

A motion to open the meeting was made by Trustee Sabino, seconded by Deputy Mayor Noone and approved by all. Mayor Ceriello called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.


The minutes for the April 8, 2019 Board of Trustees meeting were approved by all.


Trustee D’Angelo reported that at the last meeting the BOT passed the Village’s fiscal budget for the 2019/2020 year. Closing out fiscal year 2019 revenue from the Village’s building permits was $138,047 and revenue from traffic fines/penalties was $70,000. Currently at month’s end traffic fines/penalties total $9,522. Trustee D’Angelo also reminded the Board that the tax bills will be sent out the end of May and are due July 1, 2019.


JUSTICE REPORT: The Monthly Justice Report for April 2019 was presented by Trustee Sabino with total fines assessed in the amount of $12,380.00.

POLICE REPORT: The Police Report for March 2019 was presented by Trustee Sabino, stating 4 Auto Accidents, no Burglary-Residence, no Burglary-Business, no Robberies, no Larceny-Auto incident, no Larceny (other than auto) incidents, no Criminal Mischief incidents and a total of 85 summonses (79 movers, 6 Parkers).

BUILDING REPORT: The Building Report was presented by Trustee Sabino, stating that between June 1, 2018 and May 1, 2019, a total of 149 permits have been issued totaling $138,047.48 in Building Permit Fees.


Deputy Mayor Noone updated the Board that our Village Engineer, Jim Antonelli, is preparing the bids for the South Eakins, Bellows and Stuart Road improvement project. The project includes new curbing, asphalt and Belgium blocks with a projected July construction date. Deputy Mayor Noone also added that the Village is currently improving the compromised structural components of our catch basins/sewers. The sewers/catch basins are being reinforced, cleaned out and the streets will be swept during the month of June.


Mayor Ceriello read a Proclamation in honor of P.O. Glen Demeo, who served Munsey Park for 23 years, on the occasion of his retirement. The Mayor expressed his deepest gratitude to Officer Demeo on the service he provided to Munsey Park and wished him well in his retirement.


575 Park Avenue – Application for a Permanent Basketball Hoop

Trustee Williams made a motion to approve the application for a permanent basketball hoop in the rear of 575 Park Avenue, seconded by Trustee Sabino and approved by all.

305 Kensett Road – Application for a Rear Yard Fence on the Village Boundary

Trustee Noone made a motion to approve the application for a 4-foot wood fence in the rear yard line of 305 Kensett, seconded by Trustee Williams and approved by Mayor Ceriello and Trustee Sabino. Trustee D’Angelo voted no.

24 Vanderlyn Drive – Application for a Rear Yard Stone Planting Wall

Trustee Sabino made a motion to approve the application for a re-grading in the rear yard to accommodate a stacked stone planting wall, seconded by Trustee Williams and approved by all.

82 Borglum Road – Appeal to Keep Existing Garage Door

TJ Costello, Architect - Hierarchy, came before the Board to appeal to keep the existing garage door at 82 Borglum Road. The original catalog cut that was presented to the Building Advisory Committee (BAC) by Heiracrchy was incorrect as the sample showed the garage doors having glass. The intended garage door was a solid panel (no glass) similar to the pre-existing garage door. Mayor Ceriello acknowledged Hierarchy’s error and agreed that fairness dictates to approve the garage door that was installed. Trustee Williams made a motion to approve the existing garage doors, seconded by Trustee Sabino and approved by all.

369 Ryder Road – Filing to Maintain Existing Retaining Wall

TJ Costello, Architect - Hierarchy, came before the Board to discuss the amendment to the approved plans for a retaining wall in the rear yard at 369 Ryder Road. The work done to construct the retaining wall was completed contrary to what was originally approved by the BAC. Mr. Costello did submit an amendment to the original plans and applied for approval but it was indeed after the fact. Mayor Ceriello agreed to approve the completed work but will consult with the Village’s Building Inspector to confirm the status of any open violations and/or fines associated with this project. Trustee Sabino made the motion to approve the existing retaining wall, seconded by Trustee Williams and approved by all.

Audited Financial Statements – Village Justice Court

Trustee Sabino made a motion to approve the Audited Financial Statements for the Village Justice Court for year-end May 31, 2018, seconded by Trustee Williams and approved by all.

Memorial Day

Deputy Mayor Noone announced that the Village will be holding its Second Annual Memorial Day Service at Waldmann Pond to honor all those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Greg LiCalzi, Munsey Park resident, is once again organizing this wonderful event which takes place on May 27th at 9 am.

A Motion to close the meeting and go into executive session to discuss litigation and personnel matters was made by Deputy Mayor Noone, Seconded by Trustee Sabino and unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 pm.

______________________________ ______________________________

Lawrence A. Ceriello Tara Gibbons

Mayor Treasurer/Clerk

AuthorMaureen McLean