January 11, 2017


Mayor Sean Haggerty   Trustee Patrick Hance
Deputy Mayor Frank DeMento
Trustee John Lippmann
Trustee Jennifer Noone      
Paul Pepper, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of December 14, 2016 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for December/January were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers
in the amount of $60,095.87.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for December, 2016 was submitted and stated revenues in the total
amount of $6,857.00. 


The Village Attorney presented to the Board the Local law #1 –2017
“A local law to override the tax levy limit established in General
Municipal Law 3-c.”  The Mayor opened the public hearing on the
adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard.
After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Mayor Sean Haggerty,
seconded by Trustee John Lippmann, and unanimously carried. Mayor Sean Haggerty
made the motion to adopt Local Law #1 – 2017, which was seconded by
Trustee Jennifer Noone and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will
be annexed to these minutes.)


Mayor Sean Haggerty introduced Deputy Inspector Gregory Abruzzo, Commanding Officer
Inspector Dan Flanagan and Det. Lt. Ken Stragaro from the Nassau County 3rd precinct.
Det. Lt. Stragaro is the individual in charge of the IT Department.  He spoke
about how the license readers would work and that the base of the reader would be
held at the Nassau County Police’s main headquarters.  He has dealt with LSAG as a
vendor. The LPR’s have been placed in the Village of Woodsburgh.Officer Inspector
Flanagan informed the Village of the crime rates in Munsey Park.  For the past
three years, Munsey Park has had around a 1% burglary rate. Trustee Noone suggested
that the Board create a committee on security meet to gather the information to
present to the Board.  Resident Abe Bronchtein offered to be on the committee.
Prior to leaving the Mayor asked the Commanding Officer Inspector Flanagan to
introduce the POP (problem oriented policing) officers in the back of the room.
Mayor Haggerty thanked all of the police officers for coming and thank them for
all their hard work.


Architect Jim Gilhooly appeared along with Mr. & Mrs. Macconanaigh
to appeal the decision of the Building Advisory Committee (BAC).
The BAC had approved plans for a new roof line; however, according to
Mr. Gilhooly, the original house plans were incorrect which caused his
drawings to be inaccurate.  Mr. Gilhooly did an amendment to the original
plans, but never went back to the BAC.  Both the contract and Mr. Gilhooly
were issued tickets to appear in court in February, 2017.  Since the Village
Building Inspector was not in attendance, the Board decided to adjourn
the discussion and will meet with the Building Inspector, and the Chairwoman
of the BAC, and do a site review.

Motion to go into executive session made by Mayor Sean Haggerty,
seconded by Trustee John Lippmann and confirmed by all.

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