November 20, 2017

PRESENT:                                                     ABSENT:   

Mayor Frank DeMento                                  Deputy Mayor John Lippmann  
Trustee Jennifer Noone                                Trustee Patrick Hance
Trustee Lawrence Ceriello
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Paul Pepper, Village Attorney

The meeting was called to Order by Mayor DeMento at 7:40 pm. 

Trustee Ceriello offered the following resolution and moved for its adoption: 
Whereas, consistent with Section 172-1(a) of the Code of the Incorporated Village of Munsey Park, the Board of Trustees finds that the trees lining the Village right of way along Park Avenue and Manhasset Woods Road are significant to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Village of Munsey Park and to maintaining the natural, scenic and esthetic values and the physical and visual qualities of the environment of the Village of Munsey;

Whereas, the Board of Trustees finds that care, conservation and preservation of the trees lining the Village right of way along Park Avenue and Manhasset Woods Road are critical to the aforesaid concerns and goals;

Whereas, the Board of Trustees finds that it is in the best interests of the Village of Munsey Park and its residents that the Village undertake to prune where needed and appropriate the trees lining the Village right of way along Park Avenue and Manhasset Woods Road;

Whereas, the Village has solicited bids from 4 qualified arborists, two of which have experience working near, alongside, beneath or above utility lines and two of which were selected randomly, in order to perform the pruning described aforesaid on 217 trees lining the Village right of way along Park Avenue and Manhasset Woods Road;

Whereas, three arborists responded to the solicitation for bids and one arborist declined to participate;

Whereas, the bids from the three arborists that responded to the solicitation ranged from $46,464.34 to $21,049.00;

Whereas, the Board of Trustees finds that the bid from SavaTree for $22,954.00 is the lowest responsible bid for the pruning as described above and is in the best interests of the Village due to the experience that this arborist has generally and its experience working near, alongside, beneath or above utility lines;

Now therefore, the Board of Trustees authorizes the approval of a contract with Savatree consistent with its proposal received by the Village Clerk on November 14, 2017 to prune where needed and appropriate the 217 trees lining the Village right of way along Park Avenue and Manhasset Woods Road.

The Forgoing resolution was moved by Trustee Ceriello and seconded by Mayor DeMento, and adopted as follows:

Frank DeMento, Mayor                  -             Aye
John Lippmann, Deputy Mayor      -             Absent
Patrick Hance, Trustee                  -              Absent
Larry Ceriello, Trustee                   -              Aye
Jennifer Noone, Trustee                 -             Aye

Public Comment:
The meeting was opened to public for Public Comment:

Barbara Burke - 317 Park Avenue.  Mrs. Burke expressed her concerns regarding falling tree branches and limbs on Park Avenue.

Robert Thompson - 339 Park Avenue. Mr. Thompson would like the trees to be saved at any cost.  He believes all residents share in the beauty of the trees on Park Avenue and Manhasset Woods Road.

Harry Nicolaides - 205 Park Avenue. Mr. Nicolaides stated that he prefers a semi-annual check of the Village trees via a Village aborist.  

Deborah Miller - 6 Sargeant Place – Ms. Miller expressed her concerns regarding all of the trees on the Village’s Right of Way on every street.

Mr. McGivney – 234 Abbey Road. Mr. McGiveny read his written statement regarding maintenance of Village trees.

Motion to close the public meeting made by Mayor DeMento, seconded by Trustee Noone and confirmed by all at 8:06 PM.

_________________________________                     ______________________________
                     Frank DeMento                                                             Tara Gibbons
                            Mayor                                                                   Treasurer/Clerk

AuthorMaureen McLean