MARCH 11, 2015

Mayor Frank J. DeMento                            
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Trustee Jennifer Noone      
Trustee John Lippmann
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

MINUTES for the meeting of February 11, 2015 was approved by all with corrections.
CLAIMS for February/March were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $72,122.74.  After review, the Board approved all for payment. 

JUSTICE REPORT for February, 2015 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $5,951.00.


Trustee Hance explained that the tentative budget is a work in progress and is looking good.  The final budget will be placed on the April agenda as a public hearing.


One resolution authorizing the issuance pursuant to Section 90.00 or Section 90.10 of the local finance law of refunding bonds of the Village of Munsey Park, Nassau County, New York, to be designated substantially “Public Improvement Refunding (serial) Bonds”, and providing for other matters in relation thereto. (original attached to these minutes)

The Board is looking to adopt two resolutions.  One resolution is authorizing the constructions of improvements to and reconstruction of roads throughout and in and for the Village of Munsey Park, Nassau County, New York, at a maximum estimated cost of $1,000,000 and authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000 bonds of said village to pay the cost there of. (Original attached to these minutes)




Dr. Nijarian presented to the Board his survey indicating that the fence is not on his property by 0.2 inches.  The Building Inspector explained that the fence was installed without a permit and is over the maximum height of 4’6” per the Village Code.  After discussion, Dr. Nijarian believed that it would be easier for him to just remove the fence. The fence must be removed by September 11, 2015.


Michael Jones, owner of J. Michaels, is requesting permission to install awnings with black background and yellow printing.  The Mayor suggested black background with white lettering.  Trustee Lippmann believes that the awnings are not within the standards of The Village of Munsey Park.  While the awnings were approved by the Building Advisory Committee, the Board of Trustees can and will override the decision.  The awnings are not appropriate.  Trustee Noone suggested that Michael Jones come to the Board with other suggestions as to location and design for signage for his store.


The Village Clerk explained to the Board the present building department software is outdated and is not supported.  Jeff Francheitti, Village Technology Consultant, reviewed three different software’s and believes that “Checklist” will work for the Village.  Trustee Lippmann would like to review the software and possibly other companies.  The Deputy Clerk spoke to the Board of her concern that the building department will get very busy and that the present software may not continue to be accurate.  Deputy Mayor Haggerty requested that this be placed on the May agenda.


Dr. Susi requested if a decision was made concerning the two trees on the Thompson property.  Trustee Hance explained that he just heard from the independent arborist and will have the report and decision ready for the April meeting.

Motion to go into executive section made by Trustee John Lippmann, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and confirmed by all.


__________________________       __________________________                                 Frank J. DeMento          Barbara C. Miller
                       Mayor                                             Village Clerk/Treasurer



























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