June 26, 2013
- Mayor Frank J. DeMento
- Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
- Trustee Patrick M. Hance
- Trustee Matthew Seidner
- Trustee Susan Auriemma
- James A. Bradley, Village Attomey
- Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer
- None
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m
MINUTES for the meeting of June 12, 2013 were approved.
CLAIMS for May/June were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $54,876.79 for May and $62,342.77 for June After review, the Board approved all for payment.
JUSTICE REPORT for May, 2013 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $6,650.00
POLICE REPORT for May, 2013 was distributed to the Board. During the month of May, the following activity was noted:
- 5 Auto Accidents
- 6 Aided Cases
- 0 Burglary
- 0 Robbery
- 1 Larceny
- Summonses (VTL 66, Parkers 41)
LOCAL LAW # 3- 2013
Local Law #3- 2013 entitled "A Local Law Establishing Term Limits for Mayor." The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee Patrick Hance, seconded by Trustee Matt Seidner, and unanimously carried. Mayor Frank DeMento made the motion to adopt Local Law #3 - 2013, which was seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed. Trustee Susan Auriemma opposed. (A copy of the loeal law will be annexed to these minutes.)
LOCAL LAW # 4 - 2013
Local Law #4- 2013 entitled "A Local Law Amending Section 119-2b, 14,b, 1 of the Village Code regarding generators and portable generators and enacting a new Section 200-36a regarding the location of generators and portable generators on residential property." The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty, seconded by Trustee Matt Seidner, and unanimously carried. Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty made the motion to adopt Local Law #4 - 2013, which was seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and confirmed. Trustee Susan Auriemma opposed. (A eopy of the loeallaw will be annexed to these minutes.)
The Village Attorney presented to the Board the draft of Local law #5- 2013 a local law entitled "A Local Law revising Section 96-6 of the Village Code Regarding Fees and Deposits for a Filming Permit". The Board discussed the proposed local law and it was moved by Mayor Frank J. DeMento, seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and unanimously carried that a public hearing would be scheduled for July 10, 2013, at 7:30pm on the Local Law #5 -2013.
Motion made by Trustee Susan Auriemma that the adoption of the proposed local law under SEORA will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact and that the Board makes a negative declaration under SEORA, was seconded by Trustee Patrick Hance and unanimously carried. A copy is available at the Village Hall.
The Clerk is directed to provide notice of this public hearing as required, and to forward copies of the proposed local law and SEORA determination as may be required by law.
The Munsey Park Elementary School is requesting a sidewalk to be built on Village property and that the Village and School would share the expense. Deputy Mayor Haggerty requested that the school go for a variance.
Mrs. Burger from 305 Nassau is requesting that the Board review the village stump that was not grinded correctly by the State. The Mayor requested that Arborist Frank Hefferin revisit the site and present to the Board the cost to grind the stump correctly.
The following applications were submitted to the Board and all were unanimously approved:
- #7213 - Fence Application - 679 Hunt Lane
- #7230 - Arbor & Gate - 28 Waldo Lane
- #7232 - Fence Application - 52 Sully Drive
- 86 Bartlett Drive - Installation of Basketball Hoop on side of driveway
The Building Inspector will review all the above for approval.
Trustee Susan Auriemma discussed with the Board her meetings with PS & G, and Cablevision. She handed out a quick summary of the meetings. She also spoke about the film "This is Where I leave you" that took place on her street. She presented both the pros and cons of the filming.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:55pm.
Sean Haggerty
Deputy Mayor
Barbara C. Miller