September 11, 2013
Mayor Frank J. DeMento
Deputy Mayor Sean Haggerty
Trustee Patrick M. Hance
Trustee Susan Auriemma
Trustee Jennifer Noone
Robert Morici, Village Attorney
Barbara C. Miller, Clerk/Treasurer
The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m
MOMENT OF SILENCE for the Munsey Park residents who lost their lives on September 11, 2001: Thomas Burke, Paul R. Casio, James Connor, Joseph J. Dickey, Jr., John F. Iskyan, Timothy C. Kelly and Frank Salvaterra.
RETIREMENT of road crew Willie Mead. Several citations were issued. Munsey Park will miss Willie and the Mayor thanked him for all his hard work and dedication.
MINUTES for the meeting of July 10, 2013 were approved.
CLAIMS for July/August/ September were presented, as detailed in the Abstract of Vouchers in the amount of $187,644.20. After review, the Board approved all for payment.
JUSTICE REPORT for August, 2013 was submitted and stated revenues in the total amount of $6,648.00
LOCAL LAW # 6-2013
Local Law #6- 2013 entitled “ A Local Law Amending Chapter 172 and 173 of the Villaeg Code of Munsey Park, Regarding Registration of Trees and Licensing of Arborist”. The Mayor opened the public hearing on the adoption of this local law, and all who wished to be heard, were heard. After review, the hearing was closed on a motion made by Trustee Susan Auriemma, seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento, and unanimously carried. Deputy Mayor Dean Haggerty made the motion to adopt Local Law #6 – 2013, which was seconded by Mayor Frank DeMento and confirmed. (A copy of the local law will be annexed to these minutes.)
Jeff Franchetti was introduced by the Mayor as the Village Technology Consultant. Mr. Franchetti had met with the Village Clerk and is redoing the Village website. He will report back to the Board next month about the website and work with the Village Clerk on updates.
Four tree companies presented the Village Clerk with bids to do the tree pruning. The lowest responsible bidder was Danny DP Corporation at a cost of $13,313.00. On a motion made Mayor Frank DeMento to approve Danny DP Corporation for pruning of the village trees, seconded by Trustee Jennifer Noone and approved by all.
Trustee Susan Auriemma presented to the Board a spreadsheet of the location of the poles that need to be removed, have hanging wires or leaning. She also advised the Board that her daughter is helping redue the “new resident package”
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:55pm.
Frank J. DeMento
Barbara C. Miller